3926.99, CODE, Riffel, Understanding and Implementing Interventions for Internalizing Behaviors- Secondary

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: HGRESA

Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel

Contact hours:       8      

This presentation is meant to give an overview of internalizing behaviors and how we can address them at the schoolwide, classroom, and individual levels.


In Universal Behavior Support, we typically use office discipline referrals to determine our expectations and our focus. We use it because it is basically what we have available. Unfortunately, office discipline referrals are based on externalizing behaviors. While these are the most disruptive, there are other behaviors we need to be concerned with in the classroom as they can lead to anxiety, depression, phobias, and more. These internalizing behaviors can also become the trigger for externalized behaviors.


If we can learn to put some proactive strategies in place, we can mitigate the effects of internalized behaviors for most children. The Surgeon General (2022) reports a 50% increase in anxiety and depression since 2020. This training will point out what we can look for and what we can implement at all three levels.

Some of the areas Dr. Riffel addresses include students with low self esteem and making positive connections with all students.

Audience: All administrators and staff in general and special education

Age Level: Secondary

Level: Tier Two

Topic: This focuses on internalizing behaviors and how to implement appropriate interventions for those internalizing behaviors. We have this available for elementary and secondary.

Time: Eight Hours

There is a $50 out of area fee for participants from outside the Heart of Georgia RESA systems.

Event Properties

Event Date 02-20-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2025
Cut off date 06-30-2025
Individual Price Out of Area Cost $50
Location Online