3213, CODE, UCB, Math Activity Design

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  Math

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  University of Colorado Boulder


Contact hours: 


 This comes directly from the website:  "In this virtual workshop, we will review strategies for how to use PhET to create sim-based inquiry activities for math classes, including activity sheets that students can use as they work independently or in small groups while they have direct access to simulations on their own device. (5 hours)



  • Is this your first time learning about PhET? If so, we encourage you to first finish the Introduction to PhET Simulations workshop and the Whole-Class Strategies workshop to learn how a PhET sim can be presented in a whole class setup."

Event Properties

Event Date 07-30-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online