1709.Resource, Free Reading Program (K-6)

Format:  Resource

Audience:    Students

Area:  ELA, Reading

Grade Span:  K-6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  Education & Community Learning Center in the USA and Be Reading in Canada

Presenter:  N/A

Contact hours:   N/A



Login information will have to be created and then students' names input. This is copied and pasted directly from the website: "The Free Reading Program has provided 3,500+ literacy activities to users around the world for the past 3 years. We provide customer service, program updates and tech support to all users. Our global ambassador promotes the program predominately through Rotary Clubs. 100 Rotary clubs have agreed to promote the program. We are actively reaching out to librarians, community organizations and service clubs to let them know about this free resource so we can help more students. The program is used as an at home learning tool for students in the US & Canada, and used in schools in other countries internationally. Our goal as a registered 501 (c )(3) non profit organization is to improve and expand the program. With a large increase in membership, we have a great need to update our servers to ensure ideal program performance. Help us make that possible."

Event Properties

Event Date 10-25-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online