3010.Resource, Amplify, Mathigon

Format:  Resource

Audience:  Teachers, Students

Area:  Math

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  Amplify

Presenter:   N/A

Contact hours:   


This was copied directly from the website:  "Everything in our world follows mathematical laws: from the motion of stars and galaxies to the transmission of phone signals, bus timetables, weather prediction and online banking. Mathematics lets us describe and explain all of these examples, and can reveal profound truths about their underlying patterns. Unfortunately the school curriculum often fails to convey the incredible power and great beauty of mathematics. In most cases, school mathematics is simply about memorising abstract concepts: a teacher (or a video, or a mobile app) explains how to solve a specific kind of problem, students have to remember it, and then use it to solve homework or exam questions. This has changed very little during the last century, and is one of the reasons why so many students dislike mathematics. In fact, the process of studying mathematics is often much more important than the actual content: it teaches problem solving, logical reasoning, generalising and abstraction. Mathematics should be about creativity, curiosity, surprise and imagination – not memorising and rote learning. Mathigon is part interactive textbook and part virtual personal tutor. Using cutting-edge technology and an innovative new curriculum, we want to make learning mathematics more active, personalised and fun.The following will help to describe Mathigon."


"Mathigon is completely free to use for students, teachers and parents!  Most of our content and features are available without creating an account, but you need to sign in to save your progress. Visit our privacy policy to see what data we collect and how we use your personal information.  Yes, Mathigon is available in more than 20 different languages! Simply click the user icon in the top right corner and then select Change Language. Most parts of Mathigon follow the WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards at the AA level, and you can see a detailed breakdown on our accessibility page. Our interactive courses also contain built-in audio narrations for students with reading difficulties. These work with all the different interactive elements, questions and equations: simply hover over a paragraph and click the play button at the start. Please note that this feature is only available in English. Our native mobile apps for iOS and Android are free to install and work offline! If you sign into your account, they will periodically sync your progress data with our server, while you are connected to the internet.  Take a look at our Teachers page for a summary of all the tools and resources we offer to teachers, as well as different tutorial videos. We also have a large library with more than 70 tasks and lesson plans for Polypad, covering the entire mathematics curriculum."

Event Properties

Event Date 05-15-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online