3039.Resource, GDOE, Understanding Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards (K-5)

Format:  Resource

Audience:  Leaders, Math Teachers

Area:  Math, GDOE

Grade Span:  K - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   


 This was copied directly from the website:  "Important Details:  As you engage with the new standards: A) Use the progressions, age appropriateness guardrails, decomposition of the standards through learning objectives or expectations, and evidence of student learning in all grade levels. B) Explore the embedded ways to help students master the fundamentals in numeracy development in K-5. C) Build relevant pathways through the big ideas to engage students based on a foundation of part-whole reasoning and flexible thinking. D) Communicate flexibility in strategy selection or approach to solving mathematical problems. E) Promote the use of mathematical reasoning and sense-making through research-based, effective mathematics teaching practices in all grade levels and courses. F) Make mathematics learning fun and engaging while helping learners see the connection between mathematics and real-life phenomena."

Event Properties

Event Date 05-23-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online