3858, Resource, Huang, Health News from NPR: To help these school kids deal with trauma, mindfulness lessons over the loudspeaker

Format: Resource

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Mindfulness, School Climate

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online



Contact hours:            

Small, rigorous studies over the years have shown that "mindfulness interventions can broadly reduce suffering – reduce people's stress, their depressive symptoms, their anxiety," says David Creswell, a neuroscientist at Carnegie Mellon University.

Practicing mindfulness can help the kids realize "that they don't need to be dragged around by their thoughts and emotions. They have much more control," Bakosh says, "When children learn this, they feel very empowered."

This resource looks at several ways of dealing with students' stress.

Event Properties

Event Date 01-26-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online