694.Resource, Gordon, The Water Princess: Mentor Text for Public Spirit (K-2)

Format:   Resource

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  ELA, Public Spirit,  Mental Health

Grade Span:  K-2

Location: Online


Presenter:  Dr. Belita Gordon

Contact hours: 1


Public Spirit is about taking action. It means taking an active interest in the well-being of ones various communities, including home, school, community, country, and the world. It includes respect for others, courage, ethical responsibility, civic responsibility, social justice, and leadership.


The Water Princess is based on the true story of Georgie Badiel, an American who grew up in the African country of Burkina Faso. Give Gie is the water princess.” Every day, every day of the week, she walks many miles with her mother to gather water for her family. They fill their pots with earth-colored water. While Gie Gies work is done when they return from their journey with one days supply of water, her mother must boil the water so that it is safe to drink. Together they wash their clothes and cook. At night Gie Gie pretends to be a princess. She dreams of having the power to command the water so that it is close and safe and abundant.


Heart of Georgia RESA teachers may request a free copy of the book to use with their classes by listening to the short VoiceThread about the book, reading a brief handout that includes the ELA standards and suggested strategies for using the mentor text, and completing a request form.

Event Properties

Event Date 03-11-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
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