3180, CODE, GDOE, Explicit Instructional Strategies for SWD (April 2022)

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elem. Teachers, High Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle Teachers, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers

Area:  Leadership, Instruction, GDOE, Other

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours: 




This was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE weblink:  "Explicit instruction is a high leverage practice that has evidence to support student success, especially with struggling learners. This session will discuss the process of implementing explicit instruction at the secondary level, and offer resources and tools to support implementation. Learning Targets: To define explicit instruction. To model I do, We do, You do, strategy of explicit instruction for a high school lesson. To locate resources and tools that support high leverage practices and explicit instruction." After registering, participants will receive the link to the video.

Event Properties

Event Date 07-11-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online