1454, CODE, Clark, The First Year Teacher's Guide to Success

Format:  CODE

Audience: New Teachers

Area:  New Teachers, School Climate

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: Premiere University

Presenter: Ron Clark

Contact hours:  4.5

This is copied and pasted directly from the Premiere University website:  "Ron Clark’s First-Year Teacher’s Guide To Success is a series of 24 self-paced professional development modules geared to equip and prepare teachers for their first year as educators. Ron pulls from his 25 years of experience to highlight important lessons he has learned along the way to keep the class experience engaging, exciting, and interactive for his students. Each video module provides key lessons along with in-class demonstrations on how to apply each principle. You will learn tips and techniques on how to bring your lessons to life, dealing with behavior issues, creating effective classroom discussions, setting expectations, and you get a FREE copy of Ron's best-selling book, The Essential 55. We firmly believe this course will be one you share with new teachers in your school’s administration for years to come." There are 60 seats available to the HGRESA. These classes are targeting new teachers in CSI, TSI, and/or Promise Schools in the HGRESA area, but as spaces allow, others can join.

Event Properties

Event Date 08-24-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online