2442, CODE, Ruby Payne, Emotional Poverty 2 On-Demand Workshop

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online and book

Sponsor: HGRESA

Presenter: Dr. Connie Howell

Contact hours:            6

You will be given a copy of the book after you register for the class.

n this workshop, you will learn and practice many techniques/exercises that will help students/parents build emotional resources in school and at home.

Workshop Objectives

  1. Provide educators tools to read the emotional body language of students.
  2. Provide strategies for regulation of behavior from the prefrontal cortex.
  3. Identify key issues in the brain development of adolescents.
  4. Understand the hippocampus and its creation of stories that guide behavior and identity.
  5. Learn strategies to reduce adult stress and compassion fatigue.
  6. Use a brain-based approach to the emotional realities of parents and parenting.

Has teaching ever felt more stressful?

External pressures, environmental factors, previous experiences, fear, anger—all these and more create stress and tension in the classroom. Emotional distress interrupts and can harm—even destroy—effective teaching, learning, and emotional wellness in teachers and students.

But how do these emotions develop in you and your students? The fact is many of us suffer from some form of emotional poverty. Think of it as an absence of emotional resilience or resources. Written for educators, not psychologists, Emotional Poverty, Volume 2 helps you understand and overcome emotional poverty so you can build more effective classrooms and safer schools.

You’ll get:

  • Practical strategies for creating a more emotionally healthy classroom
  • Deeper understandings of adolescent brain development
  • Cues to recognize emotional stress in yourself and students
  • Techniques to develop a student’s prefrontal cortex and build emotional resilience
  • Tools to overcome your stress, compassion fatigue, or secondary traumatic stress
  • Solutions for dealing with angry, emotional parents and other adults

Event Properties

Event Date 09-02-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online