3181, CODE, GDOE, Positive Behavior Supports in Secondary Settings (Dec. 2021)

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Instruction, PBIS, School Climate, Mental Health,  Other

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours: 





This was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE weblink:  "The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning. This session will provide an understanding of PBIS in Georgia and describe the correlation between school climate and implementing the PBIS framework with fidelity. The goal is to provide districts with examples of innovative approaches that focus on the PBIS framework and its implementation in Georgia." After registering, participants will receive the link to the video.

Event Properties

Event Date 07-11-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online