3926.91, CODE, Riffel, Teaching Social Skills for Pre-K through First Grade

Format:  CODE 

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span:  PreK-1

Location:  Online

Sponsor: HGRESA

Presenter:  Dr. Laura Riffel

Contact hours: 6

Audience: Administrators and All Staff in General and Special Education

Age Level: Pre-K through First Grade

Level: Universal

Topic: Many students who are currently in Pre-K through First Grade missed social skills during the Covid lockdown. This presentation focuses on what social skills they need and how to teach them.

Time: Six Hours

This is a focus on anxiety, self-regulation, essential skills, and reinforcing appropriate behavior. This workshop will focus on teaching explicit steps to building an amygdala recalibration station for children 4-7. We will cover anxiety, essential skills, and we will focus on how to reinforce appropriate replacement behaviors through behavior specific praise as a teaching tool.

There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.

Event Properties

Event Date 02-20-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Out of Area Cost $50
Location Online