1222, CODE, WWC, Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders, Academic Coaches

Areas:  Writing

Grade Span:   Middle and High

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  What Works Clearinghouse

Presenter:  WWC

Contact hours:  2


This is copied and pasted directly from the website: 

 "This practice guide presents three evidence-based recommendations for helping students in grades 6–12 develop effective writing skills. Each recommendation includes specific, actionable guidance for educators on implementing practices in their classrooms. The guide also summarizes and rates the evidence supporting each recommendation, describes examples to use in class, and offers the panel’s advice on how to overcome potential implementation obstacles. This guide is geared towards administrators and teachers in all disciplines who want to help improve their students’ writing." The link to the resources will be sent to you in the email confirmation.

Event Properties

Event Date 07-15-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online