4076, Online-Live, Freeman (ID), GDOE, April Let's Talk Math GA!


Format:  Online, Live

Audience:   Math Leaders

Area:   Math

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online, Virtual

Sponsor:   GaDOE

Presenter Greg Fletcher / GaDOE Math Team

Contact hours:    1

Dr. Tama Freeman, HGRESA IC, attended this session where the following was discussed: The important role that context plays in developing fact fluency. By purposefully sequencing a series of tasks and activities through the same context, students can begin to make connections and develop a scalable understanding beyond single digits. 

Event Properties

Event Date 04-26-2024 1:00 pm
Event End Date 04-26-2024 2:00 pm
Cut off date 04-29-2024
Individual Price Free
Location Online

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