4069, F-F, On-Site Wheeler Middle School, Hall (IC), Teacher/Student Support

Format:  Face-to-Face

Audience:   Wheeler Middle Teacher(s) and Students

Area:  ATSI, School Improvement, Literacy, Science, Social Studies

Grade Span:  6 - 8

Location:  Wheeler Co. Middle School

Sponsor:  HGRESA

Presenter:   Lea Hall

Contact hours:   4

The HGRESA IC, Lea Hall, provided teacher and student support:
A) 8th grade Social Studies - assisted with whole group activities, individual needs-based support
and, collaborated with the teacher/students on the number of students reaching mastery on a daily
assessment in GA Studies. Standard addressed: GSESS8H11.
B) 6th grade Science - assisted individual students based on need, with Science Weekly and
corresponding instructional questioning form: Standards covered: SSS6E6.a, SSS6E6.c
C) 6th grade ELA IC delivered a read-aloud, Thank You, Mr. Falker (Polacco). Standards covered:

Event Properties

Event Date 04-16-2024 7:30 am
Event End Date 04-16-2024 11:30 am
Cut off date 04-29-2024
Individual Price Free
Location Wheeler County Middle School

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