208, CODE, Riffel, Evidence Based Interventions

Format: Online and Zoom

Audience: PBIS Coordinators

Area:  School Climate, PBIS

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: Teacheropedia

Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel

Contact hours: 7

This is a brand-new booklet and seminar based on the twenty evidence-based strategies in classroom management as determined by Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai (2008).  This book was written for first-third year teachers who are looking to add some classroom management strategies to their repertoire.  All the strategies are evidence-based.

We took their information and expanded on it with real examples from the field and included an interactive booklet so participants can leave with a plan for their own classrooms.

The expression classroom management conjures images of discipline and control for many in and out of the field of education. If one were to take a universal approach, it is the creation of a supportive climate that has an environment set up for success, where replacement behaviors are taught, and responses are reframed to reinforce the replacement behavior rather than the use of a reactive approach which feeds the target behaviors. Brophy (1999) stated, “the most successful teachers approach management as a process of establishing and maintaining effective learning environments” (p.44).

Teachers who are successful establish expectations for behavior and then teach, imprint by modeling, practice, and give behavior specific praise for those efforts throughout the year. Furthermore, successful educators monitor and pace their classroom lessons while proactively seeking to encourage appropriate behavior through design (Allen, 2010).

Student success has been directly linked to effective classroom management (Marquez et al.,2016). Professional development (PD) in classroom management has erroneously been assumed to have occurred in school-wide positive behavior support training (Sugai & Horner, 2002). School-wide positive behavior support (PBIS) training is given in all day seminars, covers copious amounts of information, and relies on educators to go back to their school redeliver the information and implement the strategies with fidelity and consistency. PBIS training is systemic training. It focuses on changing the systems in place rather than specific classroom management strategies (Barrett, Bradshaw, & Lewis-Palmer, 2008).

What are some of the evidence- based strategies for classroom management?

There are 20 general practices that met the criteria for evidence-based classroom management strategies (Simonsen et al., 2008). Within these 20 general practices are five empirically-supported critical features (a) maximize structure, (b) post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce expectations, (c) actively engage with students in observable ways, (d) use a continuum of strategies for responding to appropriate behaviors, and (e) use a continuum of strategies to respond to targeted behaviors (Simonsen et al., 2008). 

There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.

Event Properties

Event Date 06-29-2020
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online