Format: CODE |
Audience: Anyone over 18 |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: All |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: State Health Benefit Plan |
Presenter: State Health |
Contact hours: |
A new benefit available to Be Well SHBP members
➢ Unwinding Anxiety is an evidence-based program that helps you identify triggers, ride out stressful episodes, and completely change your relationship to stress
➢ This progressive program is a self-paced, 30-day mindfulness plan consisting of individual modules.
➢ Short daily exercises help you learn how your mind works so habits can change
Event Date | 01-14-2021 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Any State Health Member |
Area: Health Insurance Programs, Mental Health |
Grade Span: |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: SHBP |
Presenter: Garry McGiboney and Denise Dym |
Contact hours: .75 |
Gain access to the Sharecare digital health solution that helps employees manage their health in one place and earn rewards; access to personalized articles, resources, videos, recipes and more; access tools to help school employees establish or reinforce healthy habits; access to an easy to use platform with features that provide access to health care resources; and real time tracking of health progress. This includes the PowerPoint and a video of the online program conducted January 27, 2021. The registration confirmation includes the links for the materials and for accessing the programs.
Event Date | 01-27-2021 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Paraprofessionals, School Counselors, Administrators, Interventionists |
Area: Classroom Management |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: The Behavior Queen |
Presenter: Dr. Amie Dean |
Contact hours: 1 |
This course is designed to share how to set up a classroom that uses best practices in de-escalation and coaching students in crisis.
This class is restricted to Heart of Georgia RESA area members.
Event Date | 06-07-2021 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 03-05-2025 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Leaders, Staff |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: All |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Belita Gordon |
Contact hours: |
This VoiceThread has an instructional focus, about using literature to support students with the Mental Health disorders, others who are living in difficult situations and experience emotional and psychological stressors, and to help the more general student population respond with compassion to their peers and/or family members who are struggling. There will be a list of helpful texts provided, but there will be no books available from HGRESA for this project.
Event Date | 07-08-2021 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Leaders, Staff |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: All |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Belita Gordon |
Contact hours: |
This VoiceThread provides formal definitions for Mental Health disorders and explains how Mental Health support is different from Social Emotional Learning.
Event Date | 07-08-2021 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers |
Area: Mental Health Awareness, ELA |
Grade Span: K-5 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Bonita Gordon |
Contact hours: |
Mentor texts, including picture books, novels, and biographies can be used to help students understand and deal effectively with the mental health challenges of anger management and anxiety. The books illustrate aspects of Anger and Anxiety, as well as the Character Traits of Resilience, Persistence, and Fostering Relationships. Note: The Mentor Texts are to be used by teachers and coaches working with Mental Health experts.
Event Date | 03-14-2023 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Counselors |
Area: Mental Health Awareness, ELA |
Grade Span: 6-8 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Bonita Gordon |
Contact hours: |
Mentor texts, including picture books, novels, and biographies can be used to help students understand and deal effectively with the mental health challenges of anger management and anxiety. The books illustrate aspects of Anger and Anxiety, as well as the Character Traits of Resilience, Persistence, and Fostering Relationships. Note: The Mentor Texts are to be used by teachers and coaches working with Mental Health experts.
Event Date | 03-14-2023 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: Online Live |
Audience: Teachers |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: PreK-5 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: Model Teaching |
Presenter: |
Contact hours: 15 |
This Quick Course will teach you about types of trauma, the signs of trauma in children, and how you can design a trauma-informed classroom. You’ll learn a specific approach to the design of your classroom and its culture so that you are maintaining a safe space that supports all children.
Event Date | 05-25-2023 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: Online Live |
Audience: Teachers |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: 6-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: Model Teaching |
Presenter: |
Contact hours: 15 |
TRAUMA-INFORMED TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR GRADES 6-12 - NEIU (15 ISBE Clock Hours) This Quick Credit Course will teach you about types of trauma, the signs of trauma in adolescents, and how you can implement strategies to support a trauma-informed classroom. You’ll learn a specific approach to the design of your classroom and its culture so that you are maintaining a safe space that supports all students.
Event Date | 05-25-2023 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Educators, Ancillary, Counselor, Psychologist, SPED |
Area: Mental Health, School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
Audience: Admin, All, Ancillary, Counselor, Psychologist, SPED
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: Self-Regulation: Helping students learn to understand the amygdala and how to self-regulate when the amygdala begins the hijack of the brain. This presentation will share with you different techniques you can use to teach students how to calm themselves and then share the emotion and trigger with their adults and problem-solve.
Time: Six Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All teachers and SPED |
Area: Mental Health, School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5 |
Audience: SPED and General Education
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: Life Skills: Dr. Riffel lived with an adult with autism, bipolar condition, obsessive compulsive disorder, intellectual disabilities, and mild cerebral palsy. She also has followed the success of students she housed in her clinic. What we know from these adults with disabilities is that they need a dignified life. A dignified life is one where the person has a home they feel safe in, a job that is meaningful, friends that are true, and leisure activities they enjoy. This presentation will share with you what can be done throughout their school career to help them have these things after they graduate.
Time: Five Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All staff members |
Area: Classroom Management, SEL |
Grade Span: PreK-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: Heart of GA RESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 2 |
Seeing many referrals for students who become dysregulated and lose control in the classroom? This presentation will focus on teaching students the emotions they are feeling and most importantly, how to use their words when they have these feelings.
Audience: Administrators, All Educators, Ancillary Staff, Counselors, Psychologists, Special Education Educators
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: Self-Regulation and Using Words is the main topic. This is based on research conducted in the southeast in a town with a high population of children born to opioid addicted mothers. The children were showing signs of emotional instability upon entering school and were disrupting the learning environment for all. We observed triggers and impacts of this behavior and developed a strategy to help the students be successful in the classrooms.
Time: Two Hours
This class is for members of Heart of Georgia RESA only.
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5 |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff
Age Level: All
Level: Universal in that everyone should be using this technique for their tier two and tier three students who have trouble regulating their emotions.
Topic: This is a proactive strategy taught to all students within the school because at any moment any of us can lose our sense of control and need strategies to stay cool, calm, and collected. As adults, most of us have perfected that. We need to teach our students the words to use and the technique to use to calm themselves down before they lose composure.
Time: 5 hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Family Members |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: Primary and Elementary |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 4 |
Audience: Family Members
Age Level: Primary and Elementary
Level: All three tiers
Topic: This is specifically designed for a school to purchase and use as a family night training possibly broken into two sessions. It will help family members use the same language as the school when working to give children the words they need to convey their emotions and learn to solve their own problems.
Time: Four hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-5 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5 |
Audience: Administrators, All Elementary and Primary Staff Members
Age Level: Primary and Elementary
Level: Universal
Topic: Teaching children how to self-regulate. When our children graduate and enter the world as employees, they will not lose their jobs because they do not know how to read, write, or do math. They will lose their jobs because they do not know how to cooperatively work with others, solve problems, manage their emotions, or ask for help in a meaningful way. This presentation will help staff members teach proactively the strategies their students will need now and in the future.
Time: Five Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: 3-6 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5 |
Audience: Administrators, All Elementary Staff at the Third-Sixth Grade Level
Age Level: Third-Sixth Grade
Level: Universal
Topic: Teaching children how to self-regulate. When our children graduate and enter the world as employees, they will not lose their jobs because they do not know how to read, write, or do math. They will lose their jobs because they do not know how to cooperatively work with others, solve problems, manage their emotions, or ask for help in a meaningful way. This presentation will help staff members teach proactively the strategies their students will need now and in the future.
Time: 5 hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff, SPED |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: 6-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
Audience: Administrators, All Secondary Educators, All Staff in General and Special Education
Age Level: Secondary
Level: Universal
Topic: The Flipping the Script on Classroom Meltdowns is a specially developed series on helping all students work on self-regulation and gives staff specific skills to use proactively, during a meltdown, and reflection. There are four possible age levels in this series: Pre-K through Second Grade, Upper Elementary, Secondary, and one that covers all ages. It is designed for ages 18 months to 18 years. The links that are within the series are ready for download to use in building amygdala recalibration centers within your classroom.
Time: Six Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff, Cafeteria Staff, Family, Transportation Providers |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 2 |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff in General and Special Education, Cafeteria Staff, Family, and Transportation Providers.
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: Based on research conducted since 2014, we interviewed students and asked them this question: “What would mean the world to you? What could someone give you that would let you know you had done a good job; however, it can’t cost any money?” We wrote down their answers and have since categorized them into age level and overarching themes: Privileges, Attention, Leadership Opportunities, Praise, Assistance, Touch, Escape, and we added school supplies. (No child said they’d like to earn school supplies; however, we work in some very low-income areas where students do not have someone to purchase school supplies for them that they need. We know a hand-out feels bad when you are poor and giving students the opportunity to earn school supplies helps with their self-esteem.
Time: Two hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, SPED |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5 |
Audience: Special Education and Administrators
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: A functional behavior analysis is when the environment is manipulated to determine the function behind the behavior. This works well for determining function when you have a student who is non-verbal. You will see real-world applications of this presentation.
Time: Five Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: 6-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 8 |
Audience: All
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Two and Tier Three
Topic: Functional Behavior Assessment is the main focus of Behavior Doctor Seminars and Teacheropedia. We have developed a free tool that graphs antecedent, behavior, and consequence data in order to make data collection easy to understand and use to write a data-based behavior support plan. It is available in a one- or two-day presentation. In the two-day presentation, you will get the opportunity to enter data yourself and make decisions.
Time: 8 hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Administrators, All Staff |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 12 |
Audience: All
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Two and Tier Three
Topic: Functional Behavior Assessment is the main focus of Behavior Doctor Seminars and Teacheropedia. We have developed a free tool that graphs antecedent, behavior, and consequence data in order to make data collection easy to understand and use to write a data-based behavior support plan. It is available in a one- or two-day presentation. In the two-day presentation, you will get the opportunity to enter data yourself and make decisions.
Time: Twelve Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience:, All Staff and Family Members |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 36 |
Audience: All Staff and Family Members
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: This focus on mental health will help a school develop a Mental Health Fair for a Saturday. It goes through the things to consider prior to implementing a whole day mental health fair for staff and family members.
Time: 36 hours of a guided self-study with ideas of who to contact in your community to assist in creating a wealth of information for your community, staff, and family members.
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: General Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers K-12 |
Area: : Mental Health |
Grade Span: Pre-K through 12th Grade |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 7 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: This presentation focuses on evidence-based interventions you can use with students who are identified with emotional behavior disorders. This is available in the one day or two day version with more interventions and opportunities for implementation in the two-day version
Time: Seven Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: General Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers K-12 |
Area: : Mental Health |
Grade Span: Pre-K through 12th Grade |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 10 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: This presentation focuses on evidence-based interventions you can use with students who are identified with emotional behavior disorders. This is available in the one day or two day version with more interventions and opportunities for implementation in the two-day version
Time: Ten Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All Staff |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: Pre-K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 9 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: School climate is a huge concern among educators and the pandemic brought about some changes to the climate. This presentation explores the “whys” and how to intervene to bring your school climate back up.
Time: Nine Hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Support Staff, PE, Health, Sports |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health, PE, Health, Sports |
Grade Span: Pre-K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: Support Staff and Specifically Physical Education, Health Educators, and Sports Coaches
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: This presentation was written to assist physical education, health teachers, and sports coaches in improving school climate and increase mental health strategies.
Time: Six hours
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Everyone |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: Pre-K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 5-24 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: Everyone
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: This presentation series is available as a four day presentation including one day for universal mental health, two days for tier two mental health, and one day for tier three mental health. This version is all three levels in one link. You may also find each link separately. It will focus on proactive strategies you can use in your school to increase mental health awareness.
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All Staff |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: Pre-K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Two
Topic: Behavior management for the most difficult behaviors in the classroom. This is based on interviewing teachers on the most disruptive behaviors they are seeing in the classroom and field testing evidence-based interventions.
Time: Six hours
Audience: Everyone
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: This presentation series is available as a four day presentation including one day for universal mental health, two days for tier two mental health, and one day for tier three mental health. This version is all three levels in one link. You may also find each link separately. It will focus on proactive strategies you can use in your school to increase mental health awareness.
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All Staff |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: Pre-K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Three
Topic: Many times educators write to us and ask how to get kids on ADHD medication and we also have family members who contact us and tell us their child’s teacher suggested they put their child on ADHD medication. To medicate or not medicate is up to a family member and that decision should be done in conjunction with a consult with a medical professional who specializes in ADHD. So, this presentation focuses on the things that classroom teachers can implement in the classroom with or without medication to help our students with ADHD to be successful.
Time: Six hours
Audience: Everyone
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: This presentation series is available as a four day presentation including one day for universal mental health, two days for tier two mental health, and one day for tier three mental health. This version is all three levels in one link. You may also find each link separately. It will focus on proactive strategies you can use in your school to increase mental health awareness.
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience:Administrators |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 1 |
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: Universal-level Behavioral Interventions Overview for Administrators. This will help administrators set up surveys and information before beginning universal behavior support training with their staff.
Time: 1 hour
Event Date | 02-19-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Leaders |
Area: Mental Health Awareness, School Climate |
Grade Span: PreK-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
There is an Out of Area Fee for this course.
This tier-two course has strategies to help Pre-K through 12th grade educators
alleviate behaviors that appear to be cropping up post-COVID.
We will first explore the current students' age when Covid hit, and what skills they
missed due to that absence.
We will discuss the surgeon general's findings and then go through step-by-step
what we can do to teach all the curriculum required and still cover the skill deficits
missing in today's students.
This is a working seminar, meaning the video will stop, and you will have time to
discuss with cohorts the strategies and how you could implement them in your
Participants will learn:
1. How to identify anxiety and depression in students
2. Ways to revise the environment to set students up for success.
3. Ways to build relationships with students.
4. Ways to teach replacement behaviors.
5. How to use a simplified competing pathway chart
6. Ways to reframe our response so we are feeding the replacement behavior
and extinguishing the target.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: All
Level: Tier Two
Topic: The pandemic brought some new behaviors to the forefront including: disruptions, peer to peer interactions, peer to adult interactions, resilience, and so much more. This presentation focuses on what caused this and what we can do about it to help our students be successful.
Time: Six Hours
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Pre-K Teachers (General and Special Education) Staff Members |
Area: : Mental Health |
Grade Span: Pre-School |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 2 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: Preschool
Level: Tier Two and Tier Three
Topic: Data can be daunting. We simplified data collection into a form that makes it super simple to collect and then that data gives you a print out that helps you make data-based decisions.
Time: Two Hours
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Elementary Teachers (General and Special Education) Staff Members |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: Elementary |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 2 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: Elementary
Level: Tier Two and Tier Three
Topic: Data can be daunting. We simplified data collection into a form that makes it super simple to collect and then that data gives you a print out that helps you make data-based decisions.
Time: Two Hours
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Secondary (General and Special Education) Staff Members |
Area: Mental Health |
Grade Span: Middle, Junior, and Senior High School |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 2 |
HGRESA District Members Only.
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: Secondary
Level: Tier Two and Tier Three
Topic: Data can be daunting. We simplified data collection into a form that makes it super simple to collect and then that data gives you a print out that helps you make data-based decisions.
Time: Two Hours
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE | Audience: Teachers |
Area: Classroom Management, School Climate, Mental Health | Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online | Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Laura Riffel | Contact hours: 5 |
Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves
Main Ideas: Name it to Tame it What is Necessary for Adults to Feel Safe Adult Mental Health Behavior Support Team and Individualized Education Plan Meetings Audience: Everyone Age Level: All Level: Universal Topic: In this day and age of 24/7 communication staff members are feeling overwhelmed with the constant barrage of emails at night and on the weekends. This presentation is about setting boundaries. Time: Five Hours There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Leaders, SPED |
Area: School Climate, Mental Health |
Grade Span: 6-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 6 |
Audience: All staff members and administrators in general and special education
Age Level: Kindergarten through Second Grade
Topic: In 2022 the surgeon general indicated a 50% increase in anxiety and depression in the 3–17-year-old students since 2016. This presentation focuses on what we can do proactively to help our younger students be successful in dealing with anxiety.
Time: Six Hours
There is a $50 out of area fee for participants from outside the Heart of Georgia RESA systems.
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: PBIS |
Area: School Climate, PBIS |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 15 |
Upon successful completion of this course, the learners of a school will have developed the following:
Audience: Everyone
Age Level: All
Level: Universal
Topic: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports for your entire school. This is approximately 15 hours of preparation work time to get this developed for your school.
Time: Fifteen Hours of Planning Time
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 02-20-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: Teachers, Administrators |
Area: School Climate, PBIS |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact hours: 3 |
This is a three-hour presentation on improving school climate. It is pre-recorded and comes with a handout workbook and a supplemental video on building relationships in the event a disconnect between staff and students is found from the preliminary survey.
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 04-23-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All educators |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact Hours: 2 |
This presentation was written to assist educators in reducing their own stress by setting
boundaries, using time management tips, building a support system, building leisure activities,
developing a gratitude journal, Attending professional development, seeking feedback and reflections,
and using assistive technology to make their lives easier. It also focuses on an evidence-based practice
of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 04-23-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All educators |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact Hours: 6 |
This is a realistic look at how to collect the correct data to make data-based decisions in your behavioral intervention planning instead of guessing on the function of the behavior.
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 04-23-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All educators |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: 3-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact Hours: 6 |
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: Third-Twelfth Grade
Level: Universal and Tier Two
Topic: The anxiety epidemic was already in an up-tic before the pandemic. Post Covid-19, the surgeon general has reported there is a 50% increase in anxiety in the 3-17 population. Teachers were not prepared at the pre-service level to work with students who were struggling with anxiety. This presentation ill share an overview of anxiety and give tips on ways to address anxiety universally and at the tier-two level.
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 05-06-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All educators |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact Hours: 6 |
Topics Covered:
Determining Hard Stops in the Behavioral Game (Stop sending students home or to the
Determining What Behaviors Are Causing Issues
Setting up Expectations and Teaching Replacement Behavior
Maximizing Structure
Giving Students Opportunities to Respond (Keeping them on Task All the Time)
Proactive Strategies for the Most Common Behaviors
Acknowledging Appropriate Behaviors
Acknowledging Inappropriate Behaviors
Planning for Next Year at the End of Year (Mitigating Future Behaviors)
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 05-06-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: All educators and staff |
Area: School Climate |
Grade Span: Pre-K-2 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel |
Contact Hours: 6 |
Audience: All Staff and Administrators in General and Special Education
Age Level: Pre-K through Second Grade
Level: Universal and Tier Two
Topic: The anxiety epidemic was already in an up-tic before the pandemic. Post Covid-19, the surgeon general has reported there is a 50% increase in anxiety in the 3-17 population. Teachers were not prepared at the pre-service level to work with students who were struggling with anxiety. This presentation ill share an overview of anxiety and give tips on ways to address anxiety universally and at the tier-two level.
There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.
Event Date | 05-29-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2025 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2025 |
Individual Price | Out of Area Cost $50 |
Format: CODE |
Audience: District/School Leaders, Teachers |
Area: Mental Health, School Climate |
Grade Span: K-12 |
Location: Online |
Sponsor: HGRESA |
Presenters: Ruby Payne, Jim Ott |
Contact Hours: 8 |
One of the leading causes of people quitting their jobs is workplace stress and the impact it has on the mental health of employees. For individuals, the experience of starting and quitting jobs is in itself stress-producing. For employers and HR managers, the difficulties with employee retention contribute to increased costs and decreased productivity.
Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults is an on-demand workshop that explores the emotional functioning of adults in a workplace setting. Accessing current neuroscience information and applying it in the context of the high-paced, stress-filled world in which we are all living and working will assist individuals in better understanding their own emotional experiences in the workplace. It will also help staff understand the emotional and relational dynamics they encounter at work and supply individuals, staff, and HR/personnel managers with strategies and tools to assist in developing a workplace that supports the mental health of all employees—a key factor in retention and productivity.
Among the concepts included in the workshop are:
Event Date | 06-08-2024 |
Event End Date | 06-30-2026 |
Cut off date | 06-30-2026 |
Individual Price | Free |