125, CODE, Blackburn, It's All About MEE (Motivation, Engagement, and Expectations Lead to Student Success)
06-02-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
111, CODE, Buffington, Google Apps for District & School Leaders: Enhancing Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Safety
06-04-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
211, CODE, Buffington, Distance Learning w/ Google Classroom: A Roadmap to Teaching Online
07-04-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
212, CODE, Buffington, Helping to Grow Healthy and Safe Students Online
07-04-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
224, CODE, Retiree PLUs Classroom Management Book Study
07-07-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
$100.00 |
204, CODE, Blackburn, Enhancing Instruction in the Remote Learning Classroom
07-15-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
257.E-Badge, CODE, Intent to Apply for Classroom Management E-Badge
08-06-2020 8:00 am |
06-30-2026 4:00 pm |
Free |
537, CODE, Buffington, Into the Unknown: An Educator's Guide to Making the Most of Virtual and Face to Face Teaching
11-30-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
538, CODE, Buffington, Online Learning for Littles (K-2)
11-30-2020 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
734, CODE, Dr. Harry and Rosemary Wong, The Classroom Management Course
03-09-2021 |
12-31-2025 |
Free |
1050.Resource, CODE, Blackburn, Motivation and Engagement Articles
05-12-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1098, CODE, Dean, Building Community and Confidence in Only Four Weeks
06-07-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1100, CODE, Dean, Consistency in the Classroom: Setting Up Systems That Work
06-07-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
1101, CODE, Dean, Managing the Virtual Classroom: Tips to Survive and Thrive Distance Teaching
06-07-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1152, CODE, Riffel, Free and Low-Cost Reinforcers
06-22-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1155, CODE, Riffel, Tier Two Classroom Management Strategies (Two Days)
06-22-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1163.Recordings, NASSP, Virtual Tours of Schools - 16 to Pick From
06-26-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1220, CODE, WWC, Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom
07-15-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1454, CODE, Clark, The First Year Teacher's Guide to Success
08-24-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1476, CODE, Buffington, Cranking up the Virtual Classroom Climate Online (Grades K-3)
08-31-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1477, CODE, Buffington, Cranking up the Virtual Classroom Climate Online (Grades 4-12)
08-31-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1541, CODE, IRIS, Behavior Management (Part 1 Both Elem. and Secondary; Part 2 for Secondary) (Grades 6-12)
09-13-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1582, CODE, Williams, A Book Review for Activate: Deeper Learning Through Movement, Talk, and Flexible Classrooms
09-22-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1623, CODE, Gordon, What Happens to Learning When Students Ask the Questions?
09-30-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1742, CODE, Learning Focused, Acceleration Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1743, CODE, Learning Focused, Poverty Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1744, CODE, Learning Focused, Rigor Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1745, CODE, Learning Focused, Literacy Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1746, CODE, Learning Focused, Effective Instruction Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
1747, CODE, Learning Focused, Effective Assignments Bundle
11-02-2021 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2143, CODE, McGhee, Dealing with Difficult Fellow Educators
06-05-2022 10:00 am |
06-30-2026 12:00 pm |
Free |
2245, CODE, North Georgia RESA Leadership Summit, John Almarode: Clarity for Learning
06-30-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2278, CODE, PECentral, Incorporating Mindfulness Into Your Classroom: How to Incorporate Meditation & Breathing Techniques into Your Classroom In-Person or Remotely
07-19-2022 8:00 am |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2400.1, CODE,GPB, Classroom Conversations: Episode 201: Setting The Stage For Success: Teaching Classroom Expectations
08-17-2022 8:00 am |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2400.2, CODE, GPB, Classroom Conversations: Episode 202: “Good Morning, I’m So Glad You’re Here!”: The Importance Of Greeting Students At The Door
08-17-2022 8:00 am |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2400.3, CODE, GPB, Classroom Conversations: Episode 203: Empowering Voice: Collaborating With Students To Foster Positive Classroom Climate
08-17-2022 8:00 am |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2441, CODE, Ruby Payne, Emotional Poverty On-Demand Workshop
09-02-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2442, CODE, Ruby Payne, Emotional Poverty 2 On-Demand Workshop
09-02-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2443, CODE, Ruby Payne, Bridges Out of Poverty On-Demand Workshop
09-02-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2444, CODE, Ruby Payne, Framework for Understanding On-Demand Workshop
09-02-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2437, CODE, GDOE, ENGAGE Georgia
09-02-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2489, CODE, Marzano, Strategies for Awakening the Learner
10-03-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2493, CODE, Ohio SST, Visible Learning
10-03-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2495, CODE, Ohio SST 12, PBIS On Demand Modules
10-03-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2496, CODE, Ohio SST 12, Evidence Based Practices
10-03-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
2503, CODE, Ruby Payne, Motivation: How to Motivate Students to Increase Performance On-Demand Workshop--Renewal 6-24
10-05-2022 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3052, CODE, Corwin, Teaching Methods for Active Learning (May 9, 2023)
05-30-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3063.1, CODE, IRIS, Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices (K-12)
05-31-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3063.2a, CODE, IRIS, Classroom Behavior Management (Part 2, Elementary): Developing a Behavior Management Plan (K-5)
05-31-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3063.2b, CODE, IRIS, Classroom Behavior Management (Part 2, Middle-Secondary): Developing a Behavior Management Plan (6-12)
05-31-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3079.1, CODE, IRIS, Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, Secondary): Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle (Middle & High)
06-05-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3079.1a, CODE, IRIS, Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 2, Secondary): Behavioral Strategies(Middle & High)
06-05-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3080.1, CODE, IRIS, Addressing Challenging Behaviors (Part 1, Elementary): Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle (K-5)
06-05-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3082, CODE, IRIS, Early Childhood Behavior Management: Developing and Teaching Rules
06-05-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3083.1a, CODE, IRIS, Evidence-Based Practices (Part 1): Identifying and Selecting a Practice or Program, Part 1 of 3
06-05-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3083.1b, CODE, IRIS, Evidence-Based Practices (Part 2): Implementing a Practice or Program with Fidelity, Part 2 of 3
06-07-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3083.1c, CODE, IRIS, Evidence-Based Practices (Part 3): Evaluating Learner Outcomes and Fidelity, Part 3 of 3
06-07-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3099. CODE, Healthier Generation, Reduce Tobacco Use and Vaping through Supportive Discipline
06-19-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3106, CODE, GDOE, Replacing Suspension with Positive Strategies
06-20-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3108, CODE, GDOE, Supporting the Grieving Student (1.5 hours) Jan. 2023
06-20-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3111, CODE, GDOE, Communication Strategies to Address School Readiness (1 hour); Jan. 2022
06-20-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3113, CODE, GDOE, School Safety Overview and Updates, 30 min., Feb. 20
06-20-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3114, CODE, GDOE, School Safety Updates, 45 min., Oct. 2021
06-20-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3160, CODE, Payne, Research-Based Strategies
07-06-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3181, CODE, GDOE, Positive Behavior Supports in Secondary Settings (Dec. 2021)
07-11-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3250, CODE, USDOE, Student Privacy - FERPA (Nov. 2013)
08-09-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.1, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 1 Legal Compliance
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.2, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 2 Conduct with Students
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.3, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 3 Alcohol or Drugs
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.4, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 4 Honesty
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.5, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 5 Public Funds and Property
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.6, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 6 Remunerative Conduct
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.7, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 7 Confidential Information
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.8, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 8 Required Reports
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.9, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 9 Professional Conduct
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3314.10, CODE, Self-Paced Paraprofessional Ethics Standard 10 Testing
08-21-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3404, CODE, Riffel, Overview of a Simplified Competing Pathway Chart
09-19-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3461, CODE, Aha Process, New Teachers Can...!
09-28-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3470, CODE, Model Teaching, Efficient Classroom Practices
10-02-2023 |
10-01-2025 |
Free |
3472, CODE, Model Teaching, Student Engagement in the Classroom: Simple Ideas to Promote Authentic Engagement
10-02-2023 |
10-01-2025 |
Free |
3475, CODE, Model Teaching, Understanding and Supporting Students with Dyslexia
10-02-2023 |
10-01-2025 |
Free |
3523, CODE, GDOE, 988 GA: Mental Health Crisis Response (Sept. 2023)
10-09-2023 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3926.4, CODE, Riffel, Alphabet Soup for Pre-K through First Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.2, CODE, Riffel, Addressing Bullying Conclusively Secondary Level
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.6, CODE, Riffel, Alphabet Soup for Secondary
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.7, CODE, Riffel, Anxiety and Stress in the Classroom
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.8, CODE, Riffel, Behavioral Health and the Importance of Self-Regulation as it Relates to Mental Health and School Climate
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.9, CODE, Riffel, Behavioral Intervention Planning from a Functional Behavior Assessment
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.10, CODE, Riffel, Building a Dignified Life for Learners with Special Needs
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.11, CODE, Riffel, Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.12, CODE, Riffel, Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students When You Have Limited Time with Each Student
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.1, CODE, Riffel, Addressing Bullying Conclusively Elementary Level
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.13, CODE, Riffel, Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies (5 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.14, CODE, Riffel, Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies (8 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.15, CODE, Riffel, Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies (10 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.19, CODE, Riffel, Duct Tape Is Not a Behavioral Intervention
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.18, CODE, Riffel, Dolls in Your Classroom
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.24, CODE, Riffel, Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Self-Regulation Through Amygdala Recalibration Stations
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.25, CODE, Riffel, Everything They Forgot to Teach You at the University About Teaching Students
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.26, CODE, Riffel, Evidence-Based Interventions
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.31, CODE, Riffel, Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns (General for all ages)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.33, CODE, Riffel, Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns- Pre-school through Second Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.34, CODE, Riffel, Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns- Third through Sixth Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.52, CODE, Riffel, Flipping the Script on Teenage Meltdowns- Sixth through Twelfth Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.55, CODE, Riffel, Free and Low-Cost Reinforcers
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.56, CODE, Riffel, Functional Behavior Analysis
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.57, CODE, Riffel, Functional Behavior Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning (8 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.58, CODE, Riffel, Functional Behavior Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning (12 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.59, CODE, Riffel, Georgia School Climate
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Free |
3926.61, CODE, Riffel, Group Contingencies-Group Reinforcers
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.62, CODE, Riffel, How to Build a Mental Health Fair for Family Members to Improve School Climate and Mental Health Awareness
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.66, CODE, Riffel, In the Heat of a Meltdown with a Pre-K through Second Grader: What Should You Do?
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.67, CODE, Riffel, In the Heat of a Meltdown with a Pre-Teen or Teenager: What Should You Do?
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.68, CODE, Riffel, Including Family Members in Your Whole School Universal Behavior
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.69, CODE, Riffel, Increasing Your Jen Ratio and That of Your Students
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.73, CODE, Riffel, Leadership Skills for Guiding Staff, Family Members, and Community Members in Supporting School Climate Through Behavioral Health Training
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.74, CODE, Riffel, Mental Health and the Importance of Physical Education, Health Classes, Sports, and Physical Activity in the Curriculum as it Relates to School Climate
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.76, CODE, Riffel, Mitigating the Most Difficult Behaviors in the Classroom
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.77, CODE, Riffel, Non-medicated Interventions for Learners with ADHD with an emphasis on Anxiety (Four Hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.78, CODE, Riffel, Non-medicated Interventions for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (6 hours)
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.80, CODE, Riffel, Positive Behavior Support for Transportation Providers
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.81, CODE, Riffel, Positive Interventions and Effective Strategies for Pre-K through First Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.5, CODE, Riffel, Alphabet Soup for Second through Fifth Grade
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3926.3, CODE, Riffel, Administrative Overview for Universal Behavior Support
02-19-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
3926.83, CODE, Riffel, Putting Out Behavioral Fires in the Post-Pandemic Classroom
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.87, CODE, Riffel, Quantum Secrets for Creating a Quality of Life for Learners with Autism
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.88, CODE, Riffel, Reinforcing Replacement Behaviors
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.89, CODE, Riffel, Taking Care of Ourselves for School Personnel
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.90, CODE, Riffel, Tattling or Reporting: A Presentation for Pre-K through First-Grade Students
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.91, CODE, Riffel, Teaching Social Skills for Pre-K through First Grade
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.92, CODE, Riffel, Ten Rules that Govern Behavior for Educators
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.93, CODE, Riffel, Ten Rules that Govern Behavior for Family Members
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.94, CODE, Riffel, Ten Rules that Govern Behavior for Paraeducators
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.96, CODE, Riffel, The Science of Motivation for Elementary Students
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.97, CODE, Riffel, The Science of Motivation for Secondary Students
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.98, CODE, Riffel, Understanding and Implementing Interventions for Internalizing Behaviors- Elementary
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.99, CODE, Riffel, Understanding and Implementing Interventions for Internalizing Behaviors- Secondary
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.100, CODE, Riffel, Understanding Anxiety Through the Brain with Interventions for Kindergarten Through Second Grade
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.101, CODE, Riffel, Universal Behavior Support
02-20-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.102, CODE, Riffel, Help, My School Climate is Sinking
04-23-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.103, CODE, Riffel, It's the middle of the year and I'm stressed
04-23-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.104, CODE, Riffel, How to Stop Playing Whack a Mole with Your Behavioral Intervention Planning
04-23-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.107, CODE, Riffel, The Anxiety Epidemic Grades 3-12
05-06-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.105, CODE, Riffel, Help, My Class is Out of Control
05-06-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.106, CODE, Riffel, Building a Sense of Belonging at the Secondary Level
05-13-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
3926.108, CODE, Riffel, The Anxiety Epidemic for Pre-K through Second Grade
05-29-2024 |
06-30-2025 |
Out of Area Cost $50 |
122, CODE, Dean, Behavior Interventions That Work (Renewal 6-24)
06-08-2024 |
06-07-2026 |
Free |
4172, CODE, Ruby Payne, Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults
06-08-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
4173, CODE, Ruby Payne, New Teachers Can!--Renewal 6-24
06-08-2024 |
06-30-2026 |
Free |
4174, CODE, Amie Dean, Successful Classroom Series Bundle
06-08-2024 |
06-07-2026 |
Free |