GaDOE Upcoming Events

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Science, Special Education

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours: .5

This recorded video and resources are to help your struggling students as they integrate science as part of their curriculum.  A resource  document has choice boards with low-to-no technology options for teaching integrated lessons (K-5) in a distance format. It also provides family connections to keep students practicing skills at home.

Event Date 08-21-2020
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

What are the gaps teachers should consider in their teaching? • Gaps that students enter the year or course or unit with • Gaps that result from distance learning limitations • Gaps that are within the standards themselves. Join us as we explore these gaps and how to fill them with strategic and powerful learning. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.  This was first presented 7-31-2020.
Event Date 03-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

This lively, literacy saturated session with the GaDOE Social Studies Team, will revitalize your use of read alouds and expand your list of great titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE. Be ready to share your own favorites as we dive into great children's literature. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.
Please note this was published in August 2020; therefore, some of the links may not be active.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Social Studies Inquiry Basics with GaDOE: Are you new to inquiry in social studies or do you need a refresh? Join us as we explore inquiry tools and strategies. We will talk about why, how, and with what to make this shift to inquiry powerful and painless. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.

Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE

Presenter:  Joy Hatcher

Contact hours: 


 Teach What We Assess and Assess What We Teach with GaDOE Social Studies Join us for this hands-on workshop that peels back formative and summative assessment in social studies. Bring a sample of each from your classroom and polish your assessment skills to maximize learning for your students. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.







Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

This lively, literacy saturated session with the GaDOE Social Studies Team, will revitalize your use of read alouds and expand your list of great titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE. Be ready to share your own favorites as we dive into great children's literature. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 3-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

This lively, literacy saturated session with the GaDOE Social Studies Team, will revitalize your use of read alouds and expand your list of great titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE. Be ready to share your own favorites as we dive into great children's literature. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-2

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

This lively, literacy saturated session with the GaDOE Social Studies Team, will revitalize your use of read alouds and expand your list of great titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE. Be ready to share your own favorites as we dive into great children's literature. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Disciplinary Thinking: Tip Your Hat to 4-Hat Thinking Focus your energies on teaching students to think like historians, geographers, economists, and political scientists in every social studies course and grade level. In this workshop we share fresh ideas for promoting disciplinary thinking to make social studies something we DO, rather than something we passively read. This is a K-12 workshop with customized breakouts for different grade bands.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Are you looking for something different to spice up your social studies lessons? Are you looking for ways for students to connect social studies content with every day life? Join us as we explore connections between the GSE, Inquiry and movies, television, games, and comics. We will share strategies and resources for using science fiction to engage and excite. May the odds be ever in your favor in this workshop for grades 6-12.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Join us for this hands-on workshop that provides methods for adapting instruction that will make learning attainable for all learners. We will share resources and model inquiry-based strategies that are differentiated for all learners. This is a K-12 workshop with customized examples for different grade bands.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Let's Get Visual! Inquiry Based Instructional Activities that SWIRL Part 1 Introducing your Visual Journal Explicitly teaching Visual Literacy in social studies increases engagement and allows students to make connections between their lives and history. This workshop will teach you how to: build visual literacy with visual journals, enhance your inquiry lessons, and incorporate the art standards with your existing lessons to create personal meaning for students. You do not have to be “good” at art to attend this workshop!
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

From a Distance: Social Studies Best Practices for Working with Students Both Plugged and Unplugged How do you keep students engaged and active even when they are not right in front of you? Is it possible to teach with inquiry even in remote learning situations? What are some of the challenges and benefits of distance learning? How do we plan instruction accessible to all? How do we provide feedback, assess, and grade student work? Let’s find out.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Fractured, Stealthy, or Healthy: Integrating Social Studies Inquiry and ELA What comes to mind when you consider content integration? In this session, we will explore different forms of integration and model strategies for powerful, authentic integration that builds student understanding and skills. Be able to examine your own practices and grow your resources for successful integration that builds both social studies concepts and ELA skills.
Event Date 03-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Let's Get Visual! Inquiry Based Instructional Activities that SWIRL Part 2 Learning about Art Integration Explicitly teaching Visual Literacy in social studies increases engagement and allows students to make connections between their lives and history. This workshop will teach you how to: build visual literacy with visual journals, enhance your inquiry lessons, and incorporate the art standards with your existing lessons to create personal meaning for students. You do not have to be “good” at art to attend this workshop!
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

“A Small Group of Thoughtful People Could Change the World”: Fostering Civic Identity and Action What does taking informed action look like in classrooms? How can we link to the “real world” with civic engagement initiatives that young people can participate in, K-12? Active citizenship doesn’t require a high school diploma; we can begin the process of civic engagement throughout the curriculum with all ages and grades.
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Does every day in social studies seem the same? Are you falling back on the same old, same old tired sources and overused analysis strategies time after time? Come out of the shadows and into the light as we find fresh sources and exciting new ways to explore them. Recommended for grades K-5.
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Are you looking for something different to spice up your social studies lessons? Join us for the sequel to “May the Force Be with You” as we take a deep dive into using gaming in social studies instruction. In this session we will discuss strategies for turning pop culture games into social studies instruction and take the time to play some games live so you can explore connections between the GSE, Inquiry and gaming. May the odds be ever in your favor in this workshop for grades 6-12.
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Is your power level dropping? Are you feeling defeated? Come play with us! We will explore moves that up our game, support inquiry, and score solid standards mastery. Let’s take learning to the next level in this hands-on, interactive session. Recommended for teachers of grades K-5, but open to all.
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Good social studies instruction is saturated with great questions, rich data, and a multitude of sources. What happens when your students lack the literacy or analysis skills to unpack those resources? Join GaDOE’s Joy Hatcher and Amy Hennessy from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to learn some quick and easy strategies for reading, writing, and analysis skills specifically useful for teaching non-text sources.
Event Date 04-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Math Teachers

Area:  Math

Grade Span: K-High

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours: 

This is a wonderful graphic that depicts all grade levels. Upon clicking each grade level, archived professional learning videos and resources are available. The document is very organized. Participants will want to revisit this page frequently.  Please bookmark the link received in your confirmation email or keep the email to access the link multiple times.
Event Date 04-16-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free


Format: CODE Resource

Audience: Teachers and Leaders

Area:  Dyslexia

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE


Contact hours: 

This is a resource that can be printed.  There is also a PowerPoint developed from the material.
This is a direct quote from the IDA-GA website about the GDOE Informational Handbook:  "Gov. Kemp Signed Dyslexia Bill SB48 into Law on May 2, 2019. Watch this historic moment. CLICK HERE for more information. The Georgia Department of Education released the Dyslexia Informational Handbook: Guidance for Local School Systems on November 22, 2019."
Event Date 05-03-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format: CODE

Audience: District Leaders

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours: 2

The District Leaders Pre-Conference provides an opportunity for district leaders to review and discuss the new Georgia Mathematics Standards, engage in purposeful work to plan for the implementation of the new standards, and network with other district leaders.

This is a recording of the Online Live Meeting held on April 28, 2021.  The confirmation for registration will give access to the recording and materials.

Event Date 05-04-2021 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 11:00 am
Cut off date 06-30-2026 9:00 am
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Judie Beccaro

Contact hours:  

 GDOE Virtual Teacher Specialist presents routines that promote student engagement and integrate literacy with science.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Judie Beccaro

Contact hours:  

These two short recordings of a webinar give teachers strategies they can use to support scientific explanations in their science classrooms.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Judie Beccaro

Contact hours:  

This recording of a webinar gives benefits, instructions, and examples of digital interactive notebooks.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Judie Beccaro

Contact hours:  

This recording talks of the importance of scientific argumentation, examples of argumentation skills that are being developed in grades 3-5, and the components of argumentation.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  

This recording promotes building a community in the classroom by setting rules and expectations, providing easy access to materials, getting to know each other personally, and engaging students and encouraging discourse.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  


 This recording provides rationale and instructions on creating and using virtual notebooks and e-portfolios.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  


 This recording centers on quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  


 This recording focuses on the learning targets for using guided questions and thinking maps to compare and contrast earth science concepts and then using the thinking maps to write compare and contrast statements.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  


The agenda includes the following:

Citing specific textual evidence;

Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing;

Citing evidence to support claims;

Argumentative claims and informational claims’

RACE/ACE/ICE writing strategy








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  

 The engineering process steps and its use in the scientific process are discussed, and biomimicry is presented for the study of earth science.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Arcelia Dalton

Contact hours:  


The agenda includes informational writing, informational/narrative writing, and narrative writing.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  7

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Abby Thurston

Contact hours:  

 The agenda includes investing in your students, introducing phenomena, and engaging lesson plans.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  7

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Abby Thurston

Contact hours:  

Literacy Integration

The main points include the following:

Literacy Resources

Reading Strategies

Writing Strategies

Book Study

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  7

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Abby Thurston

Contact hours:  


3D Assessment

The agenda includes the following:

What are 3D assessments?

Integrating 3D assessments

Examples for life science








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  6 - 8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Keith Crandall

Contact hours:  


Listen as the middle specialists for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade discuss how we support students with obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  7

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Abby Thurston

Contact hours:  


 This video looks at what makes a laboratory investigation success for students as well as teachers.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  7

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Abby Thurston

Contact hours:  

 Main points include feedback to move learning forward, setting the stage, and feedback examples.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  

 Stephanie Miles explains the process involved in teaching this lesson.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  


 Stephanie Miles demonstrates using videos and other resources for student engagement.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  

 Stephanie Miles presents tools for teaching vocabulary.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  

 The agenda includes a discussion of the research, how to use games, and examples of online games.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  High School Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Renee Shirley-Stephens

Contact hours:  


 This recording of a panel of high school virtual specialists discuss literacy in the science classroom.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  


Stephanie Miles walks through lessons to present the Cycling of Matter and Energy.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Biological  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Stephanie Miles

Contact hours:  

 Stephanie Miles gives a lesson on environmental science in biology.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Owen Nix

Contact hours:  


 Owen Nix presents ideas on how to get online students to buy in.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Owen Nix

Contact hours:  


 A physical science teacher demonstrates how he uses phenomena in the classroom.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Owen Nix

Contact hours:  

 A physical science teacher discusses phenomenon, student feedback, collaboration, and conclusions. For each of these sections there are resources listed as discussed as to their use. These resources could also be used in a variety of subject areas where a teacher wants to present information, get student feedback, have students collaborate, or have students make presentations about their learning,








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Owen Nix

Contact hours:  


This video takes a look at Georgia Public Broadcasting’s offerings for physical science.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Teris Dunn-Jaglowicz

Contact hours:  

 An eighth grade science teacher talks of how to make a virtual lesson more engaging and gives examples from her classroom.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Teris Dunn-Jaglowicz

Contact hours:  

An eighth grade teacher discusses using virtual labs with different implementation strategies and resources.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Teris Dunn-Jaglowicz

Contact hours:  


 A discussion about CER writing with implementation strategies, student samples, and resources is provided in this video.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Teris Dunn-Jaglowicz

Contact hours:  


 Gallery Walk is highlighted as an instructional strategy and implementation is demonstrated in both virtual and face to face classrooms.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science Teachers

Area:  Physical  Science

Grade Span:  8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Keith Crandall

Contact hours:  


 This webinar explains transitioning from traditional labs to phenomenal investigations. The recording is available as well as links to the resources.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science and Special EducationTeachers

Areas: Science, Special Education

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Renee Shirley-Stephens

Contact hours:  


 This introduction to 3-D science explains the science standards and the shift in teaching methods.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science  Teachers

Areas: Science

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Keith Crandall

Contact hours:  

This video will look at some assessments and explore different assessment resources.

Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science  Teachers

Areas: Science

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Amanda Buice

Contact hours:  

 This video explores real world science projects available to students as well as other citizens.








Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science  Teachers

Areas: Science

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Renee Shirley-Stevens

Contact hours:  


 This video looks at common barriers to learning, supporting students using High Leverage Practice, and resources for implementation of evidence based practices.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 05-10-2021
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Format:   CODE

Audience:  Science  and Special Education Teachers

Areas: Science, Special Education

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Renee Shirley-Stevens

Contact hours:  



Several models for co-teaching are examined with pros and cons listed and a sample lesson is demonstrated for different models.







Event Date 05-10-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: School Leaders

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours: 2

The School Leaders Pre-Conference provides an opportunity for principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches, grade level chairs and department chairs to review and discuss the new Georgia Mathematics Standards, engage in purposeful work to plan for the implementation of the new standards, and network with other school leaders from across the state.

This is a recording of the session held May 7, 2021.  A link to the materials is included in the registration confirmation email.

Event Date 05-10-2021 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Math leaders

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours: 3

This is a recording of the meeting below and a copy of the materials associated with the meeting.

This session will serve as a pre-conference session for MathCON 2021. Third Annual Georgia Mathematics Summit: Georgia Mathematics Leaders Pre-Conference to MathCON - May 12, 2021, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM This pre-conference sessions will provide information for District Mathematics Specialists, Mathematics Coordinators, and Mathematics Instructional Leaders. Mathematics Leaders will be provided with specific information and strategies to assist them with leading the implementation of the new Georgia Mathematics Standards. Networking opportunities will also be made available.

Event Date 05-17-2021 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 12:00 pm
Cut off date 05-17-0910 9:00 am
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  4th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1

 GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.

Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  5th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1



GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  6th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.








Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  7th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.






Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  8th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1



GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.








Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


  GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.








Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1

 GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.
Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:  1


 GDOE will share ideas for teachers to use in the Social Studies classroom at the applicable grade or subject levels. These recordings were done focusing on the virtual teaching environment; however, the ideas and strategies are applicable to face to face situations, also.







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Recordings, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  K

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  

Teachers will find GDOE provided resources including:  GA Standards of Excellence, Teacher Notes, Content Videos, a Sample Curriculum Map, and Sample Units. 
Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Recordings, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  1st Grade

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  


 Teachers will find GDOE provided resources including:  GA Standards of Excellence, Teacher Notes, Content Videos, a Sample Curriculum Map, and Sample Units. 







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Recordings, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  2nd  Grade

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  

 Teachers will find GDOE provided resources including:  GA Standards of Excellence, Teacher Notes, Content Videos, a Sample Curriculum Map, and Sample Units. 








Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Recordings, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:   4th   Grade

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  


 Teachers will find GDOE provided resources including:  GA Standards of Excellence, Teacher Notes, Content Videos, a Sample Curriculum Map, and Sample Units. 







Event Date 06-30-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Recordings, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Areas:  Social Studies

Grade Span:  3rd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  

Teachers will find GDOE provided resources including:  GA Standards of Excellence, Teacher Notes, Content Videos, a Sample Curriculum Map, and Sample Units. 
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-2

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Read Alouds from Soup to Nuts: Children's Literature Face to Face and at a Distance for Social Studies K-2
Move your read alouds from a snack to a full course meal. Join us for practical and inquiry-based strategies using one of our favorite resources: great children's literature. Built into this active learning session will be time to share ideas with one another as well as expand our "go to" book lists. Georgia participants will be able to add several grade level picture books to their collections that will be mailed to them after this 90 minute session.
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Read Alouds from Soup to Nuts: Children's Literature Face to Face and at a Distance for Social Studies grades 6-12
Move your read alouds from a snack to a full course meal. Join us for practical and inquiry-based strategies using one of our favorite resources: great children's literature. Built into this active learning session will be time to share ideas with one another as well as expand our "go to" book lists. Georgia participants will be able to add several grade level picture books to their collections that will be mailed to them after this 90 minute session.
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 3-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Read Alouds from Soup to Nuts: Children's Literature Face to Face and at a Distance for Social Studies grades 3-5
Move your read alouds from a snack to a full course meal. Join us for practical and inquiry-based strategies using one of our favorite resources: great children's literature. Built into this active learning session will be time to share ideas with one another as well as expand our "go to" book lists. Georgia participants will be able to add several grade level picture books to their collections that will be mailed to them after this 90 minute session.
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Are you looking for something different to spice up your social studies lessons? Join us for the sequel to “May the Force Be with You” as we take a deep dive into using comics & cartoons in social studies instruction. In this session we will discuss strategies for turning comics, cartoons, and wordless picture books into social studies instruction. We will provide examples to explore connections between the GSE, Inquiry and comics, cartoons, and wordless picture books. May the odds be ever in your favor in this workshop for grades K-12.
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: Joy Hatcher

Contact hours:

Join the GaDOE Social Studies Team as we demystify the process of how the standards were developed, where we are now, and where we are going with them next. We will also talk about where they really take shape and have power…in your classrooms.
Event Date 07-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area: Writing

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours:  Various

GDOE has created a series of 7 webinars. These are described below.
Session 1:  Participants will become familiar with instructional frameworks for teaching writing.  They will also deepen their understanding of ways to integrate writing opportunities in response to students’ engagement with text.

Presenters: Dr. Roberta Gardner, Georgia State University; Kate Woodbridge, City Schools of Decatur

Session 2:   Participants will delve into the wealth of knowledge they can gain through assessing student writing and examine how this information can be effectively used to guide further instruction.
Presenters: Dr. Roberta Gardner, Georgia State University; Julie Owens, Georgia State University
Session 3: Participants will explore structures, techniques, and conventions associated with narrative, informational, and opinion/argumentative writing.
Presenters: Dr. Roberta Gardner, Georgia State University; Rachel Gilmore, Atlanta Public Schools
Session 4:  Participants will deepen their understanding of how to support students with synthesizing information and explaining their understanding of key concepts and ideas.

Presenters: Dr. Roberta Gardner, Georgia State University; Dr. Beth Friese, Gwinnett County Public Schools

Session 5:  Participants will examine appropriate strategies to help students comprehend informational/nonfiction text.  Grade-appropriate strategies for careful and intentional analysis of informational/nonfiction text will also be explored.

Presenters: Tameka Thomas, Griffin-Spalding County Schools; Melanie Lockett, Griffin-Spalding County Schools

Session 6: Participants will develop new ways to engage students in the practice of assessing, developing, and sharing information using digital texts.
Presenters: Dr. Meghan Welch, Georgia State University; Alison Eber, Decatur City Schools
Session 7:  Participants will explore inquiry-based teaching strategies to support students with observing artwork, creating meaning, articulating a response, and finding evidence to support their opinions and reasoning.

Presenters: Kelley York, Metro RESA


Event Date 07-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  Algebra

Grade Span:  Middle / High

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenters:   GDOE

Contact hours:  3


GDOE has provided 5 modules (7 videos, less than 30 minutes each) on the Foundations of Algebra. After registering, participants will receive links to the videos.

Event Date 08-11-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format: Online, Live (Recorded)

Audience:  Math Teachers

Area:   Math

Grade Span: Elementary, Beyond as needed

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Math Team

Contact hours:  4


 GDOE math leaders conducted an online, live Numeracy Project Training on August 17 and 18, 2021. Day 1 addressed understanding and administering diagnostic assessments, and Day 2 addressed using diagnostic assessment data.







Event Date 08-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-20-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span: 3 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE   ELA

Contact hours:  N/A


This is an on-demand 11 minute video on narrative writing presented by the GDOE. The goals for the video include:  1) Identify student expectations related to narrative writing. 2) Develop understanding around the practice of narrative writing. 3) Explore best practices in teaching and assessing narrative writing.








Event Date 08-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span: 3 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE   ELA

Contact hours:  N/A




This is an on-demand 17 minute video on extended constructive-response items and resources presented by the GDOE. The goals for the video include:  1) Explore characteristics of the narrative item on the Georgia Milestones ELA assessment.  2) Review the scoring philosophy for narrative items on Georgia Milestones.  3) Navigate Georgia Milestones narrative writing resources.






Event Date 08-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span: High School

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE   ELA

Contact hours:  N/A



This is an on-demand 16 minute video on developing characters, events, and experiences presented by the GDOE. The goals for the video include: 1)Identify student expectations for using description in narrative writing.  2) Explain why and how to effectively use description in narrative writing.  3) Explore the use of description in authentic mentor texts and student exemplars.







Event Date 08-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online, CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span: 3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE   ELA

Contact hours:  N/A

 This is an on-demand 16 minute video on developing characters, events, and experiences presented by the GDOE.

The goals for the video include: 1)Identify student expectations for using description in narrative writing.  2) Explain why and how to effectively use description in narrative writing.  3) Explore the use of description in authentic mentor texts and student exemplars.







Event Date 08-20-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   ½


Every year begins with challenges and question marks about where your students are and what they are coming in knowing. Join GaDOE Social Studies to learn how to find and fill in the gaps K-12. A New Beginning, New Beginnings, Starting Fresh. Resources for this session are located here

Event Date 09-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


Do you want to build a classroom culture that recognizes and celebrates each of your students? Teach them about respecting our differences using names to learn about one another and to recognize our similarities and differences. Resources for this session are located here

Event Date 09-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


Does finding time for Social Studies make you throw up your hands in surrender? Jennifer Zoumberis and JoAnn Wood share ideas for scheduling your day and your lessons in ways that will strengthen both Social Studies and ELA and teach both with fidelity. Save your sanity!! Resources for this session are located here

Event Date 09-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1 1/4


Resources and strategies that SWIRL in social studies and make a difference for ALL learners grades 6-12. Resources for this session are located here

Event Date 09-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


In this session, the GaDOE Social Studies team shares tips for teaching about 9-11-2001 in age/grade appropriate ways. Resources are highlighted that will help your students to learn about 9-11 and to consider the ways that this event has been remembered since.

Event Date 09-01-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free


Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1 1/4


Everything you need to know about teaching social studies doesn't come from a book. Some of the best advice comes from watching mentors, avoiding landmines, and lessons learned from teaching experience. Join the GaDOE Social Studies team as they share 88 years of collective wisdom. DISCLAIMER The books used as examples for the Georgia Home Classroom’s Digital Learning Plans were selected by Georgia teachers to reinforce skills and knowledge found within the Georgia Standards of Excellence. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) cannot and does not endorse or promote any commercial products, including books. Therefore, the books that were selected serve as examples and are not endorsed or recommended by the GaDOE. Please remember that when selecting books to support instruction, Georgia’s public school teachers and leaders should consult their local school district’s policy for determining age and content appropriateness for their students. Children’s Literature: The Georgia Council for the Social Studies offers a list of book titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE on their website:

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade SpanK-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1 

 Focus your energies on teaching students to think like historians, geographers, economists, and political scientists using read alouds. Be ready to share your own best titles! DISCLAIMER The books used as examples for the Georgia Home Classroom’s Digital Learning Plans were selected by Georgia teachers to reinforce skills and knowledge found within the Georgia Standards of Excellence. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) cannot and does not endorse or promote any commercial products, including books. Therefore, the books that were selected serve as examples and are not endorsed or recommended by the GaDOE.

Please remember that when selecting books to support instruction, Georgia’s public school teachers and leaders should consult their local school district’s policy for determining age and content appropriateness for their students. Children’s Literature: The Georgia Council for the Social Studies offers a list of book titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE on their website:

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade SpanK-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1 

Part II: MORE Bright Ideas for Non-Text Sources: Strengthening Literacy Across Social Studies (K-5)   Good social studies instruction is saturated with great questions, rich data, and a multitude of sources. What happens when your students lack the literacy or analysis skills to unpack those resources? Join GaDOE’s JoAnn Wood and Jennifer Zoumberis to learn some quick and easy strategies for reading, writing, and analysis skills specifically

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free


Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1

Part II: MORE Bright Ideas for Non-Text Sources: Strengthening Literacy Across Social Studies (K-5)   Good social studies instruction is saturated with great questions, rich data, and a multitude of sources. What happens when your students lack the literacy or analysis skills to unpack those resources? Join GaDOE’s JoAnn Wood and Jennifer Zoumberis to learn some quick and easy strategies for reading, writing, and analysis skills specifically

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1

Ramp up notetaking to re-energize learning. Transform DOK1, fill-in-the-blank, cloze notes into dynamic inquiry based learning opportunities. In this session we will share note taking strategies for direct instruction, individual work, and everything in between. Bring your own ideas to share!

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1 1/4

Join the GaDOE social studies team as we explore successful oral history basics. We will share tips, tricks, and resources that lead to dynamic results. DISCLAIMER

The books used as examples for the Georgia Home Classroom’s Digital Learning Plans were selected by Georgia teachers to reinforce skills and knowledge found within the Georgia Standards of Excellence. The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) cannot and does not endorse or promote any commercial products, including books. Therefore, the books that were selected serve as examples and are not endorsed or recommended by the GaDOE.

Please remember that when selecting books to support instruction, Georgia’s public school teachers and leaders should consult their local school district’s policy for determining age and content appropriateness for their students. Children’s Literature: The Georgia Council for the Social Studies offers a list of book titles aligned to the Social Studies GSE on their website:

Event Date 01-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Joy Hatcher, GaDOE SS Personnel

Contact hours:            

The unit Coach Like a Pirate looks at 10 coaching roles.  Exercises include translating the Georgia Standards of Excellence, examining "Look Fors," and then asking if it is Inquiry, and finally analyzing accessibility and rigor.  The folder contains all the handouts, a pdf of the PowerPoint, and the recording of the meeting held with North Georgia RESA.

Event Date 06-30-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format: CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Science

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: North GA RESA & GaDOE

Presenter: Keith Crandall

Contact hours:            

The Georgia Department of Education examined the status of science instruction in Georgia. 

Event Date 06-30-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: North GA RESA & GaDOE

Presenter:  Dr. Breanne Huston & Sarah Ballew Welch

Contact hours:            

Session Objectives:

• Provide ELA Standards Overview:
• Objective, Timeline, Feedback, & Process
• Standards Rollout: What does that look like?
• Leadership’s Role & Needs
• Leadership Feedback Carousel

• Explore Available GaDOE ELA Resources
• Instructional Resources & PL
• Leadership Resources & PL

• “Individual Survey for Leadership Feedback”

Event Date 06-30-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Assessments, Accountability

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: North GA RESA & GaDOE

Presenter: Allison Timberlake

Contact hours:            

Updates for Georgia assessments are discussed by Georgia Department of Education Assessment staff.

Event Date 06-30-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  High School Social Studies Teachers

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  High School

Location:  Online


Presenter:  Dr. LaMesha Craft

Contact hours:   


This was copied directly from the video introductory site:  "GaDOE Intro to Intelligence Virtual Specialist Webinar: the Development of the Field of U.S. Intelligence." Additional information about the presenter can be found on this site:  After registering, participants will receive links to the 13 videos led by Dr. LaMesha Craft.

Event Date 07-11-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area: Social Studies

Grade Span:  Various

Location:  Online


Presenter:  Various GDOE Staff & Others

Contact hours:   


 There are numerous TikTok short video segments on Social Studies strategies and other topics. After registering, participants will receive a link to the  TikTok videos.

Event Date 07-11-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3rd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Alexandra Lamping

Contact hours:   15 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for selecting purposeful text. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  3-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Assessment

Contact hours:   1


GDOE Assessment staff members unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the opinion essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 3-5. Participants explore characteristics of the opinion essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations will also be examined. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of opinion writing!  After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Assessment

Contact hours:   1


GDOE Assessment staff members unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the argumentative essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 6-8 and American Literature and Composition. Participants explore characteristics of the argumentative essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations will also be explored. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of argumentative writing!  After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE staff members describe this workshop in the following way: Do you look longingly out the window on the weekends, only to glance back at the seemingly insurmountable stack of student responses awaiting feedback? The grading load for a secondary ELA teacher can be daunting. This professional learning experience will ground itself in the research but serve as a pragmatic approach to engage in meaningful feedback on students’ writing (while saving your weekend)! If your class incorporates writing (even if it’s not ELA), we will have something for you as well. Participants will leave with actionable strategies and resources to hopefully maintain work/life boundaries while still providing students with the necessary feedback for growth. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Tracy Trammell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares information about phonics instruction for kindergarten students. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Tracy delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  1st

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Tracy Trammell

Contact hours:   30 min.


 Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” the presenter delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   2nd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Mignon Shoats

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for making inferences. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, Writing

Grade Span:  K, 1st

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Tracy Trammel

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for writing in K and 1st Grade. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, ELL

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Dr. Alesa Leckie

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for enhancing word knowledge . After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, ELL

Grade Span:  

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Jeff Terrell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist reviews strategies for differentiating instruction for a mixed proficiency classroom. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, Struggling Students

Grade Span:  

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Zellars

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist explains explicit instruction. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Nicole Lord

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist reviews strategies for using reading and writing to emphasize key writing features for secondary learners. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Cox Campus

Contact hours:  1 1/4


Cox Campus in collaboration with GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist will address the following:  "This session will focus on literacy workstations. The goals and objectives for this session:  A) Design organized spaces to help children develop language and literacy skills; B) Categorize different types of workstations and their role in literacy development; and C) Develop a plan to create, manage and rotate literacy workstations throughout the year. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, Struggling Readers

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Zellars

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for flexible grouping . After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, ESOL

Grade Span:  6-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Dr. Alisa Leckie

Contact hours:   30 min.


Description:  GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist explores techniques for assessing newcomer English learners at the middle and high school levels. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   15 min.


GDOE provides an overview of commonly used definitions of dyslexia and delineate characteristics that may be present from early childhood through the upper elementary grades. In addition, we dispel dyslexia-related myths and take a peek inside the reading brain. Upon completion of this video, viewers will be able to: A) State the two primary characteristics of dyslexia. B) Explain the relationship between the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) category of specific learning disability and dyslexia. C) Dispel common dyslexia-related myths. D) Describe how neurological research confirms differences in the brain activation patterns of individuals with dyslexia and those without dyslexia. E) Delineate early indicators of dyslexia as well as describe secondary outcomes associated with older students with dyslexia. F) Explain the “Simple View of Reading.” After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Zellars

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist shares strategies for scaffolding instruction for struggling readers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   15  min.


GDOE staff members examine the relationship between reading development and dyslexia. To do this, we address three questions: How do individuals learn to read? What is the relationship between instruction and students’ reading outcomes? Why do some students experience persistent difficulty in learning to read? After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   15  min.


GDOE staff members explore the relationship between dyslexia and services offered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The video is organized around common questions that arise when discussing dyslexia and the law. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30  min.


GDOE staff members explain what is meant by a structured literacy approach to reading instruction and what this means for students with dyslexia. Structured literacy is an umbrella term that refers to approaches to reading that reflect key instructional features (i.e., how instruction is provided) and content elements (i.e., what teachers teach) associated with gains in reading development. First, we describe the features of explicit, systematic, and cumulative instruction and explain how these features can be applied within the delivery of effective reading instruction. Next, we review the content elements of a structured literacy approach, which include decoding, spelling, writing, and comprehension. Finally, we delineate features of instruction specific for students with dyslexia. Namely, effective instruction for students with dyslexia is diagnostic and prescriptive, includes frequent progress monitoring, and involves more repetitions of practice as well as strategic scaffolding. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  3-8, High American Lit. and Composition

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Assessment Dev. Team

Contact hours:   1


GDOE Assessment staff members unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the informative/explanatory essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 3-8 and American Literature and Composition. Participants explore characteristics of the informative/explanatory essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations are also explored. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of informative/explanatory writing! . After registering, participants will receive link information.

Event Date 07-19-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   2nd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Mignon Shoats

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on using “question answer relationships to improve reading comprehension.” Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Mignon delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3rd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Alexandra Lamping

Contact hours:   45 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on daily writing instruction. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” she delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   4th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Nicole Harrell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on choosing texts that support reading comprehension. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Nicole delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   5th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Natalie Richter

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on fiction and nonfiction text structures. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Natalie delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources/research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA, ESOL

Grade Span:   K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Dr. Jeff Terrell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on strategies for assessing English learners in speaking and writing. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” the presenter delves into explaining these evidence-based approaches. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Shervette Miller-Payton

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on “7 Ways to Assess Student Writing.” Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guide: Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively,” Shervette delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:    6-8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  DeMeka Whitehead

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on the Model-Practice-Reflect strategy. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guide: Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively Practice Guide,” DaMeka delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:    2nd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Mignon Shoats

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on shared reading strategies. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Mignon delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources and research for teachers.  After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:    3rd

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Alexander Lamping

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist  focuses on reading comprehension strategies. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Alexandra delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources and research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:    1st

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Tracy Trammell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on decoding strategies for kindergarten and 1st grade. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Tracy delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources and research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   4th

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Nicole Harrell

Contact hours:   30 min.


GDOE ELA Virtual Learning Specialist focuses on a discussion of high-quality texts. Drawing on the evidence base from the “IES Practice Guides,” Nicole delves into explaining this evidence-based practice. She shares several anecdotes, models the strategy, and provides practical resources and research for teachers. After registering, participants will receive link information. 

Event Date 07-20-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   High School

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team in examining student exemplars to improve student writing in the classroom. Participants will gain insight into how writers can effectively use description as a literary technique to compose narratives on the Georgia Milestones American Literature End of Course assessment. This offering is the third narrative writing module in the Evaluating and Improving Student Writing series.

Event Date 07-27-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   6 - 8

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team in examining student exemplars to improve student writing in the classroom. Participants will gain insight into how writers can effectively use description as a literary technique to compose narratives on the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts assessment in grades 6-8. This offering is the third narrative writing module in the Evaluating and Improving Student Writing series.

Event Date 07-27-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3 - 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team in examining student exemplars to improve student writing in the classroom. Participants will gain insight into how writers can effectively use description as a literary technique to compose narratives on the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts assessment in grades 3-5. This offering is the third narrative writing module in the Evaluating and Improving Student Writing series.

Event Date 07-27-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  High School ELA Teachers

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  High

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   1


 This was copied directly from the website:  "This webinar will discuss key strategies to promote student learning around integrating English Language Arts content for students with secondary students with disabilities. The presenter will model lessons, offer resources, and lead discussions around best practices in ELA. Goals: To utilize the GaDOE ELA resources and tools for teaching SWDs ELA and to demonstrate implementing key tools for SWDs in a sample lesson."  After registering, participants will be sent the video link.

Event Date 08-02-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Media Specialists

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter: Anna Daughtry, Treutlen

Contact hours:   1


This is copied directly from the website:  "Are you searching for ways to encourage reading in your school library media center? Listen as Ana Daughtry of Treutlen County Schools discusses a variety of reading strategies that she uses in her Pre-K-12 school library media center." After registering, participants will receive the link to the recording.

Event Date 08-02-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Media Specialists

Area:  Reading, Media Center

Grade Span:  4 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:   K. Kicklighter

Contact hours:   30 min.


 This was copied directly from the website:  "Graphic novels can seriously boost your circulation – and your patrons’ confidence in their reading abilities. Learn best practices for using these materials as a resource, as well as practical tips for expanding your collection. Join Kelsey Kicklighter of Furlow Charter School for this interesting presentation."  After registering, participants will receive the link to the recorded presentation.

Event Date 08-03-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and GPB


Contact hours:            1

Classroom Conversations is the place for teachers to share and learn. Presented by the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Public Broadcasting, each episode features Georgia educators who are teaching and reaching students in innovative and impactful ways. 

Episode 201: Setting The Stage For Success: Teaching Classroom Expectations
Southeast Bulloch Middle School teacher, Brandon Poole, joins us to talk about setting classroom expectations at the start of the year and strategies for helping those expectations to stick around all year long.

Event Date 08-17-2022 8:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and GPB


Contact hours:            1

Classroom Conversations is the place for teachers to share and learn. Presented by the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Public Broadcasting, each episode features Georgia educators who are teaching and reaching students in innovative and impactful ways. 

Episode 202: “Good Morning, I’m So Glad You’re Here!”: The Importance Of Greeting Students At The Door
Kaleigh Moreno of Lowndes County Schools and Polly Anne Everritt of Muscogee County Schools discuss the importance of greeting students at the door.

Event Date 08-17-2022 8:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and GPB


Contact hours:            1

Classroom Conversations is the place for teachers to share and learn. Presented by the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Public Broadcasting, each episode features Georgia educators who are teaching and reaching students in innovative and impactful ways. 

Episode 203: Empowering Voice: Collaborating With Students To Foster Positive Classroom Climate
Dr. Zelda Kitt of The Hope Academy discusses the importance of empowering student voice in our classrooms.

Event Date 08-17-2022 8:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to take an in-depth look into how narrative writing is assessed on the Georgia Milestones English Language Arts assessment. This offering is the second narrative writing module in the Evaluating and Improving Student Writing series.

Event Date 08-24-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   15 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to develop a clear understanding of student expectations for narrative writing as defined by the Georgia Standards of Excellence in grades 3-12. Participants will walk away with a comprehensive awareness of tools and strategies to support writers in the classroom. This offering is the first narrative writing module in the Evaluating and Improving Student Writing series.

Event Date 08-24-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to explore the tenets of reading and evidence-based writing and how they are assessed on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) Assessment. An overview of the Georgia Milestones ELA constructed-response scoring philosophy is provided, along with a deep dive of the Item and Scoring Sampler, its accompanying Supplement, and the intended use of each resource. Teachers will walk away with a clear understanding of how to facilitate and evaluate reading and evidence-based writing throughout the school year, impacting student achievement in the classroom and beyond.

Event Date 08-24-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   6 - High School

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the argumentative essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 6-8 and American Literature and Composition. Participants explore characteristics of the argumentative essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations will also be explored. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of argumentative writing!

Event Date 08-24-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:   3-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the opinion essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 3-5. Participants explore characteristics of the opinion essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations will also be examined. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of opinion writing!

Event Date 08-25-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  3-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the informative/explanatory essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 3-8 and American Literature and Composition. Participants explore characteristics of the informative/explanatory essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations are also explored. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of informative/explanatory writing!

Event Date 08-25-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  3-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   45 min.


Join the GaDOE Assessment Development team to unpack the knowledge and skills assessed by the informative/explanatory essay item on the Georgia Milestones English language arts (ELA) assessment in grades 3-8 and American Literature and Composition. Participants explore characteristics of the informative/explanatory essay item, navigating the Georgia Milestones scoring rubric and writer’s checklist along the way. Authentic pieces of student writing and their associated scoring annotations are also explored. This session is sure to enhance assessment literacy around the practice of informative/explanatory writing!

Event Date 08-25-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   ELA

Grade Span:  3-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:   15 min.


Let’s Explore the Lexile and Quantile Hub: Tools for Educators, Students, and Families

Matt Copeland, Director of Educator Engagement at MetaMetrics, examines support resources available to fully understand Lexile and Quantile measures. Quick start guides, video tutorials, tools for teachers, and parent resources are shared.

Event Date 08-25-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Students, Parents, Teachers

Area:  School Climate, General, Academic Recovery

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter: GDOE

Contact hours:            

What is ENGAGE Georgia?

Georgia’s Department of Education has partnered with Graduation Alliance to provide an extra layer of support for K-12 students and their families to boost school engagement and academic success during the school year. Students who choose to participate in the program will be assigned an Academic Success Coach who will answer questions, connect them with resources, and develop a plan to help the student stay on track and engaged with their schooling.

How does it work?

Coaches reach out to students by phone, email, text message, and more to provide support such as:

• Guidance on technical and teacher access

• Encouragement and motivation to help students stay on track with their studies

• Organization and study tips

• Educational resources and exercises to help strengthen reading and math skills

• Referrals to local nonprofit organizations that can provide social-emotional support

What does it cost?

ENGAGE Georgia is state-funded and completely free to students.

How do I sign up?

Go to, call 404.618.1106, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get started.

When you register for this CODE class, you will receive in the email confirmation more information on the program.

Event Date 09-02-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Finance Staff

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1



The Office of Federal Programs provides an overview of the logistics of Cross Functional Monitoring. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Finance Staff

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1 1/2



The Office of Federal Programs will provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for the Overarching Indicators. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs, Title l, Part A

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1


The Office of Federal Programs will provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part A – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   15 min.


The Federal Programs Division will provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title V, Part B – Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP). Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Community Stakeholders, District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   15 min.


GaDOE staff provide a recorded demonstration to show ESEA LEA federal programs directors how to navigate and complete Equitable Services for Private Schools (ES4PS) Invitations for 2023-2024 Services. Consultation must occur in the year prior to the start of services. In order to complete a robust consultation by June 15, GaDOE staff encourage LEAs to send invitations in Fall of the preceding year. ES4PS Access is granted by an LEA’s local technology security officer.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Counseling Staff, District Leaders, School Leaders, Social Workers

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   30 min.



Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part A and Part D – Neglected and Delinquent Children;  The Office of Federal Programs will provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part A and Part D – Neglected and Delinquent Children Program. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Counseling Staff, District Leaders, School Leaders, Social Workers

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   30 min.


The Federal Programs Division will provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for American Rescue Plan – Homeless Children and Youth Act (ARP-HCY) Program. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1


Join the Office of Federal Programs as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part A – Parent and Family Engagement. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Counseling Staff, District Leaders, School Leaders, Social Workers

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   15 min.


Join the Office of Federal Program as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part A – Foster Care Program. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   15 min.



Join the Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) team as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title IV, Part A. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1


Join our GaDOE Title II, Part A staff as we provide technical assistance and timely program information and guidance. District coordinators are encouraged to attend regularly and will have an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on program expectations. Our September session provided a review of the coordinator’s calendar for July through October, allowability, and end of year close out procedures.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   30 min.


Join the Title II, Part A team as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title II, Part A. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Counseling Staff, District Leaders, School Leaders, Social Workers, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   30 min.



Join the Federal Programs Division as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title IX, Part A – McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (MVP). Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1


Join the Federal Programs Division as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title I, Part C – Education of Migratory Children. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   1


Join the Office of School and District Improvement as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for School Improvement Title 1 Section 1003. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Finance Staff

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs

Contact hours:   45 min.


Join the Office of Policy, Flexibility, and External Affairs as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grants. Presenters share the monitoring document, program-specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Assessment

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Assessment

Contact hours:   1


Professional learning is vital to building instructional capacity. This session will cover various components for creating assessments and how to effectively administer to promote student success and engagement. In addition, outline how to use data to inform your instruction.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Assessment

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Assessment

Contact hours:   1



This session is designed to provide the participants with a diverse repertoire of instructional strategies that will engage adolescent students in a manner that promotes critical thinking, technology, and creativity. The presentation will be conducted in a three-tiered layered style. The first layer will consist of providing participants with research-based information about student engagement and motivation of adolescents. In the second layer, the participants will participate in hands-on activities directly related to the areas of technology, critical thinking. In the final layer, the participants will participate in a reflection that will allow them to synthesize the information they have learned and share best practices with their peers.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1



A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is essential for just about any successful workplace environment. It is a commitment to continuous improvement involving all stakeholders. This session will outline the characteristics and benefits of an effective learning community, and provide insight for improving an existing PLC.

Event Date 10-17-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  Math

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Math Team

Contact hours:   1



Have you ever wondered why so many adults say, “Math wasn’t my thing in school?” The truth is that math requires one to reason and to think critically. This session will provide educators with instructional practices to engage learners in building number sense, understanding numerical relationships, and learning techniques to compose and decompose numbers. Let’s engage with numbers!

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  School Climate, PBIS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE PBIS

Contact hours:   1


Tired of feeling like you are constantly “fighting behaviors” in your classroom? This session will explore the functions of behavior, foundations for success, promoting positive behavior, and preventative positive instructional strategies to reduce problem behaviors in your classroom. Attendees will have a chance to reflect on strengths/weaknesses of classroom management and take away “quick wins” for behavior management in the classroom that can be utilized with every child, every day.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Learning Targets

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1



Teacher Clarity: Learning Targets & Success Criteria

Participants will review the components and importance of learning targets pulled from the language of the standard as an extension of the 5-step protocol for deconstructing the standard. Using this prior knowledge, we will build a deeper understanding and purpose for creating meaningful success criteria as a means of clarifying instruction for both the teacher and the learner.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Formative Assessment

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


Are your teachers assessing the learning at the end of the lesson? If so, this session will provide actions used to monitor student work, provide meaningful feedback, and implement assessment strategies geared toward checking for student understanding during the lesson.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Federal Programs, English Learners (ELs)

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Federal Programs  Div.

Contact hours:   1 1/2



Join the GaDOE Federal Programs Division as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for Title III, Part A. Presenters will share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders

Area:  GDOE, School Improvement

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


Join the Office of School and District Improvement as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for School Improvement Title 1 Section 1003. Presenters share the monitoring document, program specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Finance Staff

Area:  GDOE, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   45 min.


Join the Office of Policy, Flexibility, and External Affairs as we provide an overview of Cross Functional Monitoring for the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Grants. Presenters share the monitoring document, program-specific indicators, what evidence to provide, and the most common scenarios that may result in a recommendation or a finding from GaDOE.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:  Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   45 min.


 FY23 Special Education for School-based Administrators Academy (SESBAA): Being the Instructional Leader for Special Education:  Participants will learn what being an instructional leader for special education entails including best practices for improving achievement for students with disabilities (SWD). How is SWD achievement in your building? What are you doing to be a change agent? What are you looking for on walk-throughs? How do you know students are learning? How do you know teachers are growing? How do Individual Education Plans (IEP), Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), High Leverage Practices (HLP), Assistive Technology (AT), accommodations and modifications impact instruction? After registering, participants will receive the link to the CODE session.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Assessment Staff, District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, RESA Mentors, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Assessment

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Assessment Staff

Contact hours:   1


This webinar provides information about GaDOE’s Formative Instructional Practices Blended Model of Professional Learning (FIP). Key features include learning to use daily lesson-based assessments at the learning target level and teaching students to be partners in the learning process.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   1


This is our Georgia Department of Education monthly technical assistance session. The Title II, Part A staff discuss the budget approval process along with data collection submissions. There is also a review of Title II, Part A budget attachments and finally the staff share a resource for leading stakeholder discussions on spending data which could also be used as a guide for other data discussions.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Counseling Staff, District Leaders, High School Teachers, Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialists, School Leaders, Social Workers, Special Student Services Staff, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Federal Programs

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE Staff

Contact hours:   45 min.


Do you have training designed for all staff performing all roles in your LEA? No worries… The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) has you covered. GaDOE is working collaboratively with to provide online professional development and trainings for McKinney-Vento liaisons and ALL district staff. An online platform is accessible to districts beginning August 24, 2022. This training teaches LEAs how to access training and monitor LEA personnel participation, all free of charge to LEAs for FY23! We encourage all liaisons and district staff to complete this training as it will enhance your knowledge of the McKinney-Vento program and it will assist the GaDOE team with establishing material for upcoming technical assistance.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Librarians / Media Specialists

Area: GDOE,  Leadership, Science, ELA

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   Amy Rubin, Fulton County

Contact hours:   45 min.


In Novel Engineering, students use literature as a basis for a project to identify problems in the book, design solutions, and then build prototypes. This session guides participants through the execution and effective use of Novel Engineering projects across grade levels. Join Amy Rubin, Media and Education Technology Instructor in Fulton County Schools, for this informative presentation.

Event Date 10-18-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Face-to-Face

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Science

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  Heart of GA RESA

Sponsor: GaDOE, HGRESA

Presenter: DOE Science Team

Contact hours:      3       

This CODE material has the PowerPoint and the recording of the meeting.

GaDOE Updates and Resources:

What are the new resources, and where are they? Join the GaDOE science team to see new releases and updates and how you can use them in your classroom tomorrow. We will share the new platform for all GaDOE resources.


3D Science with Language and Literacy Integration:

In this session, there will be an overview of 3D Science and how to introduce a phenomenon. Participants will notice the intentional use of the integration of language throughout the student performance progression and student artifacts. In addition, there will be a focus on connections between science and literacy and on introducing academic vocabulary in context while students figure out the phenomenon.

Event Date 11-03-2022 8:30 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Face-to-Face

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Science

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  Heart of GA RESA

Sponsor: GaDOE, HGRESA

Presenter: DOE Science Team

Contact hours:      3       

The CODE materials include the PowerPoint and recording of this meeting.

GaDOE Updates and Resources:

What are the new resources, and where are they? Join the GaDOE science team to see new releases and updates and how you can use them in your classroom tomorrow. We will share the new platform for all GaDOE resources.


3D Science with Language and Literacy Integration:

In this session, there will be an overview of 3D Science and how to introduce a phenomenon. Participants will notice the intentional use of the integration of language throughout the student performance progression and student artifacts. In addition, there will be a focus on connections between science and literacy and on introducing academic vocabulary in context while students figure out the phenomenon.

Event Date 11-03-2022 12:30 pm
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Teachers

Area: Social Studies 

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: DOE


Contact hours:            10 minutes


Greeting Social Studies Friends,

The email confirmation will have the link of GaDOE’s new home for lessons and resources GaDOE Inspire! Follow our Social Studies/ESOL Specialist Nancy Balaun as she give you a guided tour of Social Studies resources in GaDOE Inspire. All Social Studies content is loaded for grades K-5, grade 6-8 is already in the works!

Feel free to share with all of your #GAsocialstudies educators!

Event Date 11-04-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Resource

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Science

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: DOE


Contact hours:            


This 34-page document provides support for engaging and accelerating student learning in science.  

Event Date 11-04-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers,  School Leaders

Area:   Assessment, Teacher and Leader Support and Development

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Understanding Assessment Series, Day 1

Participants consider the following guiding questions:
– What is the purpose of assessment?
– How do you ensure the assessment design matches the intended use of the assessment information?

Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Nurses

Area:   School Nursing

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Join school nurses and experts for an in-depth discussion about best practices of five screenings — Scoliosis, Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition — that are commonly performed in the school setting. Presenters also cover completing the #3300 form required for school entry in Georgia.

Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Nurses

Area:   School Nursing

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1



Lead School Nurses with vast experience in establishing medication procedures and protocols in their own district focus on best practices for medication administration in the school setting.

Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Nurses

Area:   ESOL, Social Studies, Special Ed., English Learners (ELs)

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1



Join us for this hands-on workshop that provides methods for adapting instruction that will make learning attainable for all learners. We will share resources and model inquiry-based strategies that are differentiated for all learners.
This is a K-12 workshop with customized examples for different grade bands.

Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Leaders, Teachers, District Leaders

Area:   Mental Health and Wellbeing, Policy/Legal, Staff Wellness

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1


Georgia’s Public Education Employee Assistance Program provides mental health counseling, financial and legal resources, and work/life referral services for all full-time, K-12 public-school teachers and staff in Georgia, along with Pre-K teachers. In this recorded webinar, Georgia Teacher of the Year Michael Kobito and representatives from GaDOE and Kepro provide an overview of EAP services and answer questions from teachers and staff.

To access the EAP, visit or dial 1-866-279-5177 and use code GADOE. Employees at the school or district level who work at least 29 hours per week are eligible, along with their household members and children under age 26.

Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Event Date 11-14-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE, Recording

Audience: SI Specialists and RESA SI Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Various

Contact hours:      1.5       

This is a recording of the November 4, 2022, meeting.  It shows the new PL structure GaConnect and Alternative Schools.

We are excited to see everyone virtually at SDI’s monthly “All School Improvement” meeting, scheduled for Friday, November 4, from 9 – 10:30 a.m.  As with every monthly “All School Improvement” meeting, this is optional for our RESA partners, but we welcome and appreciate your participation. 


Numbers:  6 from HGRESA

Other:  60 (State level meeting) 

Event Date 11-14-2022 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 10:30 am
Cut off date 06-30-2026 9:00 am
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  45 min.


This is part 1 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 1, History and Science and Values of Positive Behavior Support, will describe the importance of understanding the history and value of positive behavior support, explain behaviors are communicative and provide an initial understanding of function.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1



This is part 2 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 2 identifies the first three components required as part of every FBA process, provides a description of the difference between frequency and duration data collection.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .45 min.


This is part 3 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 3 identifies the necessary steps to collect baseline data, identifies the components included on the ABC data collection form and identifies the two guidelines for collecting ABC data.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .45 min.


This is part 4 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 4 provides a description of the components of FBA data and graphs, reviews antecedents/triggers/consequences/responses and developing hypothesis statements.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1 1/4


This is part 5 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 5 provides understanding of how to connect FBA results to the BIP, understanding about function-based prevention interventions and reviews completing components of Behavior Intervention Plan form.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1 1/4


This is part 6 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 6 provides understanding of how to select replacement behaviors according to FBA results, provides teaching strategies to promote replacement behaviors and offers reinforcement strategies to promote replacement behaviors.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   1


This is part 7 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 7 reviews the critical components included in every BIP, identifies how to approach BIP implementation with fidelity and effectiveness and approaches to progress monitoring and data-based decision making.

Event Date 11-15-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Teachers

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .45 min.



Novel Engineering: Build STEM Skills through Literature

In Novel Engineering, students use literature as a basis for a project to identify problems in the book, design solutions, and then build prototypes. This session guides participants through the execution and effective use of Novel Engineering projects across grade levels. Join Amy Rubin, Media and Education Technology Instructor in Fulton County Schools, for this informative presentation.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, MTSS Team, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  Secondary

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


Presented by Dr. Tessie Bailey and MTSS Regional Coach Jody Drum, this session focuses on the use of validated tools for selecting and implementing evidenced-based interventions and how to leverage existing tools to support implementation of the essential MTSS components.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, School Leaders, Middle/High Teachers, MTSS Team, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  8-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Presented by Georgia’s MTSS Regional Coaches Donna McClain and Becky Wright, this session of the Summer Learning Series focuses on the importance of having a master schedule that supports the needs of all students. Various ways to include intervention and support time in schedules, considerations for teacher schedules and the positive impact of collaboration, and next steps for improving schedules and services to support student needs are discussed.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, School Leaders, Elem./Middle/High Teachers, MTSS Team, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


Presented by Donna McClain, MTSS Regional Coach, and Amy Peterson, National Center on Intensive Intervention at American Institutes for Research, this session of the MTSS Summer Learning Series focuses on dimensions to consider when selecting, reviewing, evaluating, and intensifying an intervention. Resources that support these processes are shared.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, School Leaders, Elem./Middle/High Teachers, MTSS Team, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Presented by Georgia’s MTSS team, this session of the MTSS Summer Learning Series focuses on freely available tools and resources on the Georgia’s Tiered System of Supports webpage and the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII) website. Also, Georgia’s Online MTSS/SST (GO MTSS/SST) Application is discussed. GaDOE provides this web-based tool to help districts maintain a record of students’ response to interventions. GO MTSS/SST is integrated with the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS) and is aligned to the Georgia Online IEP (GO-IEP) Application.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Special Student Services Staff

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   30 min.


This is part 8 of the FBA/BIP webinar series. This series will provide a description of the science and values underlying positive behavior supports, describe the different components of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BIP), and describe function-based interventions.

Part 8 reviews the FBA/BIP process from start to finish, provides resources related to behavior generalization, maintenance, improving academic performance and the relevance of Universal Design for Learning.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, Teachers

Area:    Special Education

Grade Span:  PreK-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/4


FY 23 Special Education and School Administrator Academy (SESAA): Special Education Law 101

The basic and most important aspects of the fast-changing world of special education law are discussed.

Event Date 11-16-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, School Leaders, Elem./Middle/High Teachers, MTSS Team, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1

 Presented by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey, Principal Technical Assistance Consultant with the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and MTSS Regional Coach Jody Drum, this session of the MTSS Summer Learning Series focuses on crystallizing differences between formal progress monitoring and monitoring progress, understanding the importance of graphing progress monitoring data to guide decision making, and learning how and why to use validated approaches for setting progress monitoring goals.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, School Leaders, Elem./Middle/High Teachers, MTSS Team, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


Presented by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey, Principal Technical Assistance Consultant with the American Institutes for Research (AIR), and MTSS Regional Coach Jody Drum, this session of the MTSS Summer Learning Series focuses on understanding how data literacy is critical to executing the “why,” learning how to use the National Center on Intensive Intervention Progress Monitoring Tools Chart to evaluate and select appropriate progress monitoring tools, and interpreting data in given scenarios to determine appropriate goal setting strategies.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:    District Leaders, GaDOE Staff ALL, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, MTSS Team, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:    MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


As part of Georgia’s MTSS Summer Learning Series, this session is designed for experienced MTSS coordinators. We will highlight practices needed to build capacity and develop coaching systems. Additionally, this session will address coaching skills and attributes that contribute to effective MTSS implementation. Join us to refine your coaching practice for a sustainable MTSS.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders


Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1



ESSA and IDEA Tuesday in June Professional Learning Series: Using the New Georgia Educator Pipeline Dashboard

The Georgia Department of Education collaborated with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, the University System of Georgia, and the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement to determine the educator pipeline needs of our state. The outcome of the collaboration was the Georgia Educator Pipeline Dashboards. Tour the teacher and leader pipeline dashboards and develop a deeper understanding of the available information. Systematic instructions on how to use the data is included, along with resources to support talent development.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience  Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Paraprofessionals, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers

Area:    ELA

Grade Span:  Elem.

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .30 min



Natalie Richter, 5th grade ELA Virtual Learning Specialist, demonstrates a focus on teaching word recognition and word parts to increase comprehension. 

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience  Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Paraprofessionals, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers

Area:    ELA

Grade Span: Elem.

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .30 min


Learn how to use organizational text structure to improve comprehension with 4th grade ELA Virtual Learning Specialist, Nicole Harrell.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience   ESOL Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers

Area:    ELA

Grade Span:  High

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .30 min



Want to expand your vocabulary toolbox? Join 9th-10th grade ELA Virtual Learning Specialist Shervette Miller-Payton as she explores strategies for explicit vocabulary instruction while focusing on meeting the rigor of the standards! Shervette shares actionable resources that teachers can implement in their classrooms the next day.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience   ESOL Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Middle School Teachers, Paraprofessionals

Area:    ELA

Grade Span:  Middle

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  .30 min


Looking for more reading comprehension tools for your repertoire? Join 6th-8th grade ELA Virtual Learning Specialist DaMeka Whitehead as she walks us through direct and explicit reading comprehension strategies for middle school learners! DaMeka shares practical resources that teachers can implement in their classrooms the next day.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Leaders, Teachers

Area:   New Teacher

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This webinar is designed to support new teachers with effective strategies to adjust to their profession, district and school.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Leaders, Teachers


Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Are you looking for a high-quality induction support program for teachers that requires an investment from all stakeholders? This webinar is designed to address elements incorporated within districts’ induction programs and explore resources to help districts, schools and IHEs support effective teacher induction programs.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   District Leaders, Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary / Middle

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  30 min.




This is the first video in a four-part series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators to cultivate creativity in their classroom. The webinar is led by Emily Harrison and Dawn Jeffers from Colombia County and focuses on the skill of brainstorming with examples and a practice session.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:    District Leaders,  Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, School Leaders,  Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary/Middle

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This is the second video in a four-part series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators to support the collaborative delivery model. The webinar is led by Letitia Green and Tara Pitts from Atlanta Public Schools and focuses on strategies for effective co-planning, benefits and barriers to co-teaching and best practices for scheduling.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:    District Leaders, Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, School Leaders,  Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary/Middle

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This is the fourth video in a four-part series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators to support the collaborative delivery model. The webinar is led by Letitia Green and Tara Pitts from Atlanta Public Schools and focuses on gifted consultation and coaching, special populations, and gifted instructional strategies.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:    District Leaders, Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, School Leaders,  Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary/Middle

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This is the third video in a four-part series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators to cultivate creativity in their classroom. The webinar is led by Emily Harrison and Dawn Jeffers from Columbia County and includes the following activities: “Hink Pinks,” “Stories with Holes/Mysteries,” mind-storming questions and real-world problem solving.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:     District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders

Area:   MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Are you a new MTSS Coordinator? Perhaps you are a new MTSS Coach? As part of Georgia’s MTSS Summer Learning Series, this session is designed for you! The presenter will discuss foundational practices needed for coaching in a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), the essential components of MTSS, and the stages of implementation. Additionally, we will address aspects of the coaching cycle and effective coaching habits. Join us to learn how building alliances, listening intently, and questioning effectively can help you coach effectively.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:     District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders

Area:   MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


Grab your flip flops and join us for this second session of Georgia’s MTSS Summer Learning Series. You will learn how to build the teams and infrastructure necessary for effective MTSS implementation and how to use Georgia’s MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric to guide the monitoring and evaluation process.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:     District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders

Area:   MTSS

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Are you wondering how to get started with MTSS in your district/school? As part of Georgia’s MTSS Summer Learning Series, participants in this session will be able to identify how to get started with a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) using an eight-step process, describe the five essential components in the MTSS framework, and learn about resources, tools, and supports for successful MTSS implementation.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:       District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders

Area:   Co-Teaching

Grade Span:  K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


The administrator’s role in supporting co-teaching is crucial. This session will demonstrate the practices administrators must use to support effective co-teaching teams in their district/school. Participants will be able to utilize resources for scheduling co-teaching, state reasons why co-planning is crucial to successful co-teaching, and utilize general supervision tools for supervising evidence-based co-teaching practices in their district/schools.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience District Leaders, Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This video is part of a series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators. Kaycie Rogers, from Jackson County, shares her experiences with the advanced content delivery model for gifted students in grades 3-5. Topics in the webinar include the big picture of advanced content – what and why; establishing an advanced content classroom culture; and unit and lesson planning.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience District Leaders, Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1



This video is part of a series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators. Kaycie Rogers, from Jackson County, shares her experiences with the advanced content delivery model for gifted students in grades 3-5. Her presentation, “Math & Science Outside the Box” explores classroom-ready strategies to enhance advanced content math and science instruction and what these strategies may look like in classrooms and how to apply them to other content areas.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience District Leaders, Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This video is part of a series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators. Kaycie Rogers, from Jackson County, shares her experiences with the advanced content delivery model for gifted students in grades 3-5. Her presentation provides ELA and social studies success strategies including bridging the gap between core literacy goals and social studies connecting themes and enduring understandings, exploring specific classroom-ready strategies to enhance ELA and social studies instruction, and how these strategies might look in a classroom and how to apply them to other content areas.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience District Leaders, Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Gifted

Grade Span:  Elementary

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This video is part of a series that provides strategies and resources for gifted educators. Kaycie Rogers, from Jackson County, shares her experiences with the advanced content delivery model for gifted students in grades 3-5. Her presentation provides ELA and social studies success strategies including bridging the gap between core literacy goals and social studies connecting themes and enduring understandings, exploring specific classroom-ready strategies to enhance ELA and social studies instruction, and how these strategies might look in a classroom and how to apply them to other content areas.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience :  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Engaging in argument from evidence is one of the eight science and engineering practices that directly connects to the Georgia Standards of Excellence for English Language Arts. This discussion focuses on how to effectively support students in analyzing and developing arguments in both science and ELA by emphasizing connections between the disciplines and leveraging points of departure.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience  High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers

Area:   Science

Grade Span: Middle / High

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Join Keith Crandall of the GaDOE Science team and Sarah Welch from the GaDOE ELA team to discuss argumentative writing in science. The video walks through the pieces of a scientific arguments and how to help students write scientific arguments. The video emphasizes the pieces of C-E-R and describes the why the different pieces are important to student’s scientific arguments.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free



Format:  CODE

Audience  Teachers, Leaders

Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  45 min.


Join Keith Crandall of the GaDOE Science team to explore 3-Dimensional science. This can be a resource for new science educators, educators that are new to science, or educators that have not taught science in a while. The video details the parts of 3-D science and the uses in the classroom to help students be successful learning science. This video, also, discusses resources that can be used to help teachers design 3-D science lessons.




Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience   Instructional Coaches/Coordinators

Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  45 min.


Join the GaDOE Science team in exploring what science looks like in a 3-dimensional science classroom. This video takes instructional coaches through the dimensions of science, shows how it applies in the science classroom, and introduces resources to assist in 3-dimensional science teaching.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience :  Teachers

Area:   Science

Grade Span: Middle / High

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  30 min.


Join Teris Dunn-Jaglowicz in this session about thinking maps. Strategies and student examples are shared!

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience :  Teachers

Area:   Science

Grade Span: High

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  30 min.


The high school Biological Science Virtual Specialist details how 5E lessons can be utilized in a science classroom to assist students in sense making.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE


Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  45 min.


Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating are the perfect way to assist students in engaging students with literacy in the science classroom. Teachers can assist students in making the most of science by utilizing various strategies, multiple modalities, and 3D science components. Join us to explore strategies that leverage the connections between 3D science and literacy.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience Teachers

Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  45 min.


Looking for resources to support science? Student-directed science learning doesn’t mean you have to re-invent the wheel. Join this session to see a collection of print and post-ready resources you can use right away. These organizers, sentence frames, and more can fit into your pacing and put students in the driver’s seat of their own learning.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience   Gifted and Talented Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Middle School Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Leaders

Area:   Science

Grade Span: Middle / High

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1 1/2


We are continuing our journey into the structure of argument writing with a focus on science; however, this time we will also discuss the role of argument in the speaking and listening standards! This interactive follow-up session will focus on in-depth strategies and resources for argument writing, speaking, and collaborating! Using scientific phenomena as the impetus, participants will expand their argument writing resource banks for both science and ELA classrooms. We will also discuss formative and summative assessments for argumentative tasks. Participants will leave this session with practical argument writing resources that can be implemented in class the next day.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  School Teachers, School Leaders

Area:   Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


Engaging in argument from evidence is one of the eight science and engineering practices that directly connects to the Georgia Standards of Excellence for English Language Arts. This discussion focuses on how to effectively support students in analyzing and developing arguments in both science and ELA by emphasizing connections between the disciplines and leveraging points of departure.

Event Date 12-01-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and International Dyslexia Association Georgia

Presenters: Dr. Kristin Sayeski and Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom

Contact hours:      1      

Aired:  October 26, 2022  This session will include meeting recording and the pdf slides and additional information.

The four-part GaDOE Dyslexia Video Series was developed through a partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia. In each webinar, The International Dyslexia Association Georgia, The Reading League Georgia, and the Georgia Department of Education have partnered to bring you four live webinars during which Dr. Sayeski will “unravel” the content presented in each video. Dr. Sayeski and Dr. Lindstrom will then answer questions to further clarify the information presented and provide guidance on how best to support students with dyslexia in the school setting. Our webinar series begins with the unraveling of Video 1: “What is Dyslexia?” This video provides an overview of commonly used definitions of dyslexia and delineates characteristics that may be present from early childhood through the upper elementary grades. In addition, dyslexia-related myths are dispelled along with a peek inside the reading brain. To access the slides as well as additional information referenced in the webinar by Dr. Sayeski, go to

PRESENTERS Dr. Sayeski is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education and co-director of the dyslexia certificate and endorsement programs at the University of Georgia (UGA). Dr. Sayeski received her doctorate in special education from the University of Virginia in 2000. Before joining the faculty at UGA, Dr. Sayeski held appointments at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University. Her professional and research interests include identifying exemplary practices related to teacher development and determining effective instructional practices for students with learning disabilities, particularly in reading instruction and intervention. Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom joined the Teaching and Learning team at GaDOE in September 2021 as the Statewide Dyslexia Coordinator to assist our state as we lift awareness of dyslexia and create stronger, evidence-based supports for students who are experiencing difficulties while learning to read and write. Dr. Lindstrom’s leadership and guidance will ensure that our students get the “best of the best” from our teachers and schools. Dr. Lindstrom continues to serve as Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education, and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. At UGA, Dr. Lindstrom directs ongoing research focusing on identification of dyslexia and other learning disabilities, issues surrounding the provision of accommodations to individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, and early literacy with a focus on teacher training and the use of research-based methodologies for improving student performance.

Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and International Dyslexia Association Georgia

Presenters: Dr. Kristin Sayeski and Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom

Contact hours:      1      

Aired:  November 16, 2022  This session will include meeting recording and the pdf slides and additional information.

The four-part GaDOE Dyslexia Video Series was developed through a partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia. In each webinar, The International Dyslexia Association Georgia, The Reading League Georgia, and the Georgia Department of Education have partnered to bring you four live webinars during which Dr. Sayeski will “unravel” the content presented in each video. Dr. Sayeski and Dr. Lindstrom will then answer questions to further clarify the information presented and provide guidance on how best to support students with dyslexia in the school setting. “Reading Development & Dyslexia” is the second video in the series. This video examines the relationship between reading development and dyslexia. Three questions are addressed: How do individuals learn to read? What is the relationship between instruction and students’ reading outcomes? And why do some students experience persistent difficulty in learning to read? To access the slides as well as additional information referenced in the webinar by Dr. Sayeski, go to

PRESENTERS Dr. Sayeski is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education and co-director of the dyslexia certificate and endorsement programs at the University of Georgia (UGA). Dr. Sayeski received her doctorate in special education from the University of Virginia in 2000. Before joining the faculty at UGA, Dr. Sayeski held appointments at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University. Her professional and research interests include identifying exemplary practices related to teacher development and determining effective instructional practices for students with learning disabilities, particularly in reading instruction and intervention. Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom joined the Teaching and Learning team at GaDOE in September 2021 as the Statewide Dyslexia Coordinator to assist our state as we lift awareness of dyslexia and create stronger, evidence-based supports for students who are experiencing difficulties while learning to read and write. Dr. Lindstrom’s leadership and guidance will ensure that our students get the “best of the best” from our teachers and schools. Dr. Lindstrom continues to serve as Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education, and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. At UGA, Dr. Lindstrom directs ongoing research focusing on identification of dyslexia and other learning disabilities, issues surrounding the provision of accommodations to individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, and early literacy with a focus on teacher training and the use of research-based methodologies for improving student performance.

Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and International Dyslexia Association Georgia

Presenters: Dr. Kristin Sayeski and Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom

Contact hours:      1      

Aired:  December 7, 2022  This session will include meeting recording and the pdf slides and additional information.

This is our 3rd live webinar in the Unraveling Dyslexia series brought to you through a partnership between the International Dyslexia Association Georgia, The Reading League Georgia, and the Georgia Department of Education. Join us to take a closer look at Video 3: Dyslexia & the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The GaDOE video we looking at more closely explores the relationship between dyslexia and services offered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The video is organized around common questions that arise when discussing dyslexia and the law. In each of the Unraveling webinars, Dr. Sayeski “unravels” the content presented in one of the four videos in the GaDOE Dyslexia Video Series. (The four-part GaDOE Dyslexia Video Series was developed through a partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia.) Dr. Sayeski and Dr. Lindstrom then answer questions to further clarify the information presented and provide guidance on how best to support students with dyslexia in the school setting. To assess the slides and additional resources mentioned during the webinar, go to

PRESENTERS Dr. Sayeski is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education and co-director of the dyslexia certificate and endorsement programs at the University of Georgia (UGA). Dr. Sayeski received her doctorate in special education from the University of Virginia in 2000. Before joining the faculty at UGA, Dr. Sayeski held appointments at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University. Her professional and research interests include identifying exemplary practices related to teacher development and determining effective instructional practices for students with learning disabilities, particularly in reading instruction and intervention. Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom joined the Teaching and Learning team at GaDOE in September 2021 as the Statewide Dyslexia Coordinator to assist our state as we lift awareness of dyslexia and create stronger, evidence-based supports for students who are experiencing difficulties while learning to read and write. Dr. Lindstrom’s leadership and guidance will ensure that our students get the “best of the best” from our teachers and schools. Dr. Lindstrom continues to serve as Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education, and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. At UGA, Dr. Lindstrom directs ongoing research focusing on identification of dyslexia and other learning disabilities, issues surrounding the provision of accommodations to individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, and early literacy with a focus on teacher training and the use of research-based methodologies for improving student performance.

Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: K

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in kindergarten. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students learn to count and begin to use numbers to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, begin to make sense of measurement, and investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 1

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 1st Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students learn about place value and begin to use number strategies to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, measure objects and investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 2

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 2nd Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 3

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 3rd Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, develop an understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems, investigate area and perimeter, explore fractions an fraction equivalence, investigate properties of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 4

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 4th Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, deepen their understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems involving larger numbers, explore fractions and begin to investigate decimals, explore angle measurement and properties of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 5

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 5th Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value of decimals and whole numbers, deepen their understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems involving fractions and decimals, explore relationships of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 6

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 6th grade.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 7

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 7th grade.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 8

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 8th grade.

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Parents

Area:  Math

Grade Span: High School

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GA DOE

Presenter: DOE

Contact hours:            

Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in high school. 

There is also a parent support guide.




Event Date 12-09-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GDOE and International Dyslexia Association Georgia

Presenters: Dr. Kristin Sayeski and Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom

Contact hours:      1.5

Aired:  January 4, 2023  This session will include meeting recording and the pdf slides and additional information.

“Structured Literacy & Dyslexia” is the fourth video in the GaDOE video series. This video explains what is meant by a structured literacy approach to reading instruction and what this means for students with dyslexia. First, the features of explicit, systematic, and cumulative instruction are described, followed by an explanation of how these features can be applied within the delivery of effective reading instruction. Next, the content elements of a structured literacy approach are reviewed, which include decoding, spelling, writing, and comprehension. Finally, the features of instruction specifically for students with dyslexia are delineated.

PRESENTERS Dr. Sayeski is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education and co-director of the dyslexia certificate and endorsement programs at the University of Georgia (UGA). Dr. Sayeski received her doctorate in special education from the University of Virginia in 2000. Before joining the faculty at UGA, Dr. Sayeski held appointments at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University. Her professional and research interests include identifying exemplary practices related to teacher development and determining effective instructional practices for students with learning disabilities, particularly in reading instruction and intervention. Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom joined the Teaching and Learning team at GaDOE in September 2021 as the Statewide Dyslexia Coordinator to assist our state as we lift awareness of dyslexia and create stronger, evidence-based supports for students who are experiencing difficulties while learning to read and write. Dr. Lindstrom’s leadership and guidance will ensure that our students get the “best of the best” from our teachers and schools. Dr. Lindstrom continues to serve as Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education, and as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. At UGA, Dr. Lindstrom directs ongoing research focusing on identification of dyslexia and other learning disabilities, issues surrounding the provision of accommodations to individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, and early literacy with a focus on teacher training and the use of research-based methodologies for improving student performance.

Event Date 01-16-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  ELA/Reading Teachers

Area:   ELA, Reading

Grade Span:  3-5

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours: 





This is copied directly from the GDOE PL page: "PROVE IT! Teaching Students How to Back up Claims with Primary Source Evidence

Good writers back up their claims with evidence. Join Nancy Balaun as she explores ways for students to analyze primary sources, make claims, and prove it. She will brainstorm ways to connect what you are already doing in ELA with your Social Studies standards and leave you with tools you can use in your classroom tomorrow. Join us as we prove it!" Length:  1 hour

Event Date 05-30-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free


Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Gifted and Talented Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Teacher Leaders

Area:   ELA, Reading

Grade Span:

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours: 





English Language Arts, Mathematics, Personalized Learning, Reading/Literacy, Science, Social Studies

Description: This is copied directly from the GDOE PL page: "Join our presenters as they provide an overview of talent development and the important role it plays in meeting the needs of students."  Length:  15 minutes

Event Date 05-30-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Media Specialists

Area:   Computer Science, Science

Grade Span:   K-12 (will have to adapt)

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Bryan Cox, Lavita Williams

Contact hours: 



 This is posted directly from the website: "Bryan Cox and Lavita Williams, GADOE’s Computer Science Specialists, share how to make computational thinking a part of your makerspace. They include how problem-solving can be abstract and tangible and offer some low-budget resources to increase engagement." 

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Media Specialists

Area:   Media, ELA, Science

Grade Span:   K-12 (will have to adapt)

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Amy Rubin

Contact hours: 



This is copied and pasted directly from the GDOE website:  "Amy Rubin, media and educational technology instructor with Fulton County Schools, shares how she uses in-person and online makerspaces with her students. Learn the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and HOW of makerspaces in the school library media center."

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, District Leaders

Area:   Family Engagement, GaPBIS, MTSS, Reading/Literacy, School Climate

Grade Span:   K-5

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE


Contact hours: 


 This was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE website:  "Replacing Suspension and Expulsion with Positive Classroom Climate Strategies

Gain knowledge of how relational wellness competence among children, staff, and
families can contribute to implementation of effective classroom strategies that support
the behavior needs of Pre-K/kindergarten students."

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elementary Teachers, High School Teachers, Middle School Teachers

Area:   Science

Grade Span:   K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  30 min.


 The following is copied and pasted directly from the GDOE PL site:  "Different languages? No problem. This session will quickly highlight how multilingual learners access and use their full linguistic repertoires in communication and learning, including by using more than one language. The session will also cover technology tools you can use to support the teaching and learning of multilingual learners. To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Laura Canepa-Redondo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (30 minutes)

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Leaders, Teachers, Counselors, Paraprofessionals, Media Specialists, School Climate, Nurses, Mental Health

Area:   Mental Health, School Climate, School Safety

Grade Span:   K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE, Others

Contact hours:  1 ½ hrs.


   This is copied and pasted directly from the GDOE website:  "What is the distinction between trauma and grief? Presenters identify the differences and provide practical advice on how to support grieving students. Topics include what not to say, considerations related to grief across different cultures, identifying and addressing guilt, appropriate academic accommodations, and managing grief triggers. Free resources for addressing these issues and many others from the Coalition to Support Grieving Students will be shared. Learning Objectives: Feel more comfortable explaining death to young children and initiating a conversation with grieving children of all ages; Discuss the role of guilt in impacting adjustment to a loss; Describe grief triggers and advise on how to minimize their impact in a school setting, as well as other academic accommodations to support grieving students; Know how to access free professional development resources on bereavement via" To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Molly Sims - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Leaders, Teachers, ESOL

Area:   Family Engagement, School Climate, MTSS, ELA

Grade Span:  Birth – 5 years

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE, Others

Contact hours: 


  The following was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE PL Site:  "Communication Strategies to Address Parents’ School Readiness Concerns; Learn effective strategies to address and alleviate parents’ school readiness concerns." To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact." Primary Contact: Brandy Woolridge - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  K-12 Teachers, Academic Coaches

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE, Others

Contact hours: 


 The following was copied directly from the GDOE PL site:  "Looking for resources to support science? Student-directed science learning doesn’t mean you have to re-invent the wheel. Join this session to see a collection of print and post-ready resources you can use right away. These organizers, sentence frames, and more can fit into your pacing and put students in the driver’s seat of their own learning." To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Keith Crandall - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Climate, Teacher Leaders

Area:  School Climate, School Safety, Leadership

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE, Others

Contact hours: 




The following was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE website:  "Learn more about recent school safety updates in Georgia such as the Georgia Center for School Safety website, the revised School Safety Plan Guide and Template, Site Threat Access and Response (STAR) Audit, and Georgia’s new Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams." To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Jeff Hodges - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders

Area:  School Climate, Leadership

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE, Others

Contact hours: 


The following information was copied and pasted from the GDOE PL site:  "The Office of Whole Child Supports and guest speakers offer updated information on school safety and school safety plans. A representative from Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security discusses the need for current safety plans, drills and exercises, and cyber and social media safety. They share multiple resources and trainings that are available to improve the safety of schools." To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Jeff Hodges - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Secondary Contact: Cheryl Benefield - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 06-20-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  K-12 Administrators

Area:  Leadership, Instruction, GDOE

Grade Span: K-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:    GDOE, Others

Contact hours: 


 The following was copied and pasted directly from the website, "The administrator’s role in supporting co-teaching is crucial. This session will demonstrate the practices administrators must use to support effective co-teaching teams in their district/school. Participants will be able to utilize resources for scheduling co-teaching, state reasons why co-planning is crucial to successful co-teaching, and utilize general supervision tools for supervising evidence-based co-teaching practices in their district/schools." To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact. Primary Contact: Susan `Brozovic - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Secondary Contact: Ann Cross - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; As always, participants should review extensively before using. (1 hour)

Event Date 06-26-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Elem. Teachers, High Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle Teachers, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers

Area:  Leadership, Instruction, GDOE, Other

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours: 




This was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE weblink:  "Explicit instruction is a high leverage practice that has evidence to support student success, especially with struggling learners. This session will discuss the process of implementing explicit instruction at the secondary level, and offer resources and tools to support implementation. Learning Targets: To define explicit instruction. To model I do, We do, You do, strategy of explicit instruction for a high school lesson. To locate resources and tools that support high leverage practices and explicit instruction." After registering, participants will receive the link to the video.

Event Date 07-11-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Middle School Teachers, School Leaders, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Leaders

Area:  GDOE, Leadership, Instruction, PBIS, School Climate, Mental Health,  Other

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours: 





This was copied and pasted directly from the GDOE weblink:  "The premise of PBIS is that continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecessary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety, and learning. This session will provide an understanding of PBIS in Georgia and describe the correlation between school climate and implementing the PBIS framework with fidelity. The goal is to provide districts with examples of innovative approaches that focus on the PBIS framework and its implementation in Georgia." After registering, participants will receive the link to the video.

Event Date 07-11-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers, Leaders, Educators

Area:  Teacher/Leader/Educator Support and Development

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This Just-In-Time Webinar will equip State Evaluation contacts and Super Users on ways to manage all accounts in the TLSD Platform. We will review important Beginning of the Year TKES and LKES information during the webinar, including the NEW unique identifier for TLSD Platform accounts.

Event Date 08-01-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  ELA, Leadership, Title III Staff

Grade Span:   K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor: GDOE

Presenter:  GDOE Staff

Contact hours: 


This was copied directly from the website: "This webinar is part of the 2023-2024 ESOL Directors’ Munch and Learn webinar series. Topics include Office for Civil Rights considerations, English learner identification procedures, and professional learning opportunities. To report an issue with the event link, please email the event contact."

Primary Contact: Margaret Baker - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Event Date 08-28-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, Elem. Teachers, School Leaders, Teacher Leaders

Area:  Science

Grade Span:  K - 2

Location: Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:  Various (GDOE)

Contact hours: 


 Join our GaDOE Science K-2 virtual specialists to dive more deeply into the science and engineering practice of constructing explanations in the K-2 classroom. Presenters provide lesson examples and instructional resources on the practice of constructing explanations. May 30, 2023

Event Date 09-21-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: District Social Studies CheerLEADERS and Champions

Area:  Social Studies

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Jennifer Zoumberis; Joy Hatcher, et al

Contact hours:       1      

This is a recording of the meeting held 9-13-23.

We are so excited to get year 2 started with Cheerleaders and Champions! 

Please save the date for our VIRTUAL Cheerleaders and Champions kickoff Wednesday, September 13 from 4:30-5:30. 

Event Date 09-21-2023 4:30 pm
Event End Date 06-30-2026 5:30 pm
Cut off date 06-30-2024
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Format:  CODE

Audience:    Leaders, Safety, Nurses, Counselors

Area:   School Climate

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location: Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:  1


This is copied directly from the website:  "In this informative session, Georgia’s Suicide and Crisis Response team presenters from the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities share how schools can utilize the three prongs of Georgia’s 988: someone to call, someone to respond, and a safe place for help, to support students and families with mental health needs. Common myths are addressed and participants are equipped with confidence in utilizing the service and spreading awareness. A recent Georgia study revealed only 30% of Georgians were aware of 988 and of those respondents, only 54% accurately understood its purpose as Georgia’s Suicide & Crisis Response line. View this recording to see current data and future goals for 988 implementation and response."  (1 hour)

Event Date 10-09-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  Science

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Connie Howell

Contact hours:     1.25        

What type of instruction do the Science Georgia Standards of Excellence call for? This session explores three-dimensional science instruction and the implications for assessment. Resources to support the shift in science instruction are shared.

Event Date 10-16-2023 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 3:00 pm
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format: CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  All, Technology

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE


Contact hours:            

This is a virtual presentation from GaDOE on how to use SuitCASE and Inspire.  It includes all the resources to present a professional development training.  

Event Date 10-25-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 07-09-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders will review effective collaboration and coaching strategies for improvement. Attendees will identify the key essentials of effective coaching to improve outcomes for students, understand how to provide feedback with meaningful dialogue using evidence-based techniques, and review research findings on the benefits of effective coaching."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  " In this session, school and district leaders receive an overview of the key roles, responsibilities, and purposes of effective instructional coaches and understand how to build teacher capacity by providing evidence-based instructional coaching techniques.  "

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "Facilitators from the Office of School and District Improvement review how to implement, monitor, and support interventions at the school and district levels."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

 This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  " School and district leaders will review how to implement continuous progress monitoring of students’ outcomes.  "

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "Join the Office of School and District Effectiveness to review effective program evaluation strategies and how to measure the impact of school- and district-level initiatives on student achievement to make informed decisions."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  " School and district leaders will review how to conduct and use classroom observations to monitor progress."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "In this session, school and district leaders receive an overview of the School-Based Continuous Improvement Team (CIT) for newly identified schools, outline the roles and responsibilities of the team, and guidance on how to leverage the continuous improvement team process to reach school improvement goals."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders will receive an overview of the leadership team audit process and how that data can be used at the district level to direct differentiated support for individual schools."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement, Leadership Team

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders receive an overview of the collaborative planning audit process and how that data can be used at the district level to direct differentiated support for individual schools."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders receive an overview of the school and district improvement planning process through the lens of short-term action plans (STAPs) and the district plan of support (DPS)."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders will discuss how to analyze Georgia Milestones data and determine how to use it at the school and district level to differentiate support."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:  District Leaders, School Leaders, School Improvement

Area:  School Improvement, Instructional Coaching, Leadership

Grade Span:  K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE


Contact hours:   

This is copied directly from the GDOE website:  "School and district leaders will receive an overview of the Georgia School Assessment of Performance on Systems (GSAPS) and discuss how to use target actions to inform school improvement plans."

Event Date 01-08-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: District/School Leaders

Area:  Data, Leadership

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: HGRESA

Presenter: Bucky Bush

Contact Hours:  .75          

 Review data warehouse service provided by your RESA
- Discuss what data are available and the refresh cycles
- Discuss how user access levels are managed
- Time for questions at the end
This is a recording of the meeting held virtually with HGRESA on May 29, 2024.




Event Date 06-04-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2025
Cut off date 06-05-2025
Individual Price Free

Format: CODE

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Physical Education/Health

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Office of Teaching and Learning

Contact Hours:       1      

This is a recording of the live webinar to provide teacher training for the new Fitness Assessment Fit Georgia.  This training is designed to demonstrate how to access and use the new Fit Georgia application. Fit Georgia is the new fitness assessment application tool for the 2024-2025 school year.

Event Date 08-17-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026 1:00 pm
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Building-level administrators 

Area:  Physical Education/Health

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Office of Teaching and Learning

Contact Hours:       1      

 Fit Georgia is the new fitness assessment application tool for the 2024-2025 school year. This training is intended for building-level administrators who oversee the Health and P.E. content area and can provide support to teachers conducting fitness assessments.  This is a recording of the live webinar.

Event Date 08-17-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: District Leaders

Area:  Physical Education/Health

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Office of Teaching and Learning

Contact Hours:       1      

 Fit Georgia is the new fitness assessment application tool for the 2024-2025 school year.  This is a meeting for anyone who will oversee Fit Georgia, the new fitness assessment for the 2024-2025 school year.  This is a recording of the live webinar.

Event Date 08-17-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Teachers of Gifted, Gifted Coordinators

Area:  Gifted

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Heart of GA RESA

Sponsor: HGRESA & GaDOE

Presenter: Mary Jean Banter

Contact Hours:      1      

This is the presentation delivered for HGRESA on 11-18.24.

Mary Jean Banter of GADOE will meet with teachers of the gifted and gifted coordinators.

Learning Targets

  • Educators will understand the significance of the delivery models selected on student engagement and achievement.
  • Educators will compare gifted service delivery models and how they meet the needs of the gifted learners.
  • Educators will understand the impact of the K-12 gifted services continuum upon gifted and advanced learners.


Event Date 11-19-2024 10:30 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 11:30 am
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience: Leaders, Teachers

Area:  Data Assessment, Leadership

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GaDOE School Improvement

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact Hours:            

Starting on slide 20 for the All Improvement meeting January 15, 2025, for the School Improvement workers at GaDOE and RESAs, there is a presentation about CCRPI.  The agenda included the following:

  • CCRPI Portal Data and Resources
  •  Federal Identifications
  •  TSI Identification Process
  •  Understanding and Using Data
  •  The Role of School Improvement Specialists
Event Date 02-03-2025
Event End Date 06-30-2026 2:30 pm
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: RESA School Climate Staff

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Jeannie Morris

Contact Hours:       1.5   

This is a follow-up meeting.  Items to discuss include the following:  

  • A district collaborative sharing opportunity
  • Updates regarding the RESA Activity Log
  • Review of the feedback from the SCSS Feedback Survey 
Event Date 03-06-2025 1:00 pm
Event End Date 03-06-2026 2:30 pm
Cut off date 03-13-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Face to Face

Audience:  ELA Teachers and Instructional/Literacy Coaches

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: K-5

Location:  HGRESA

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact hours:     6        

The GaDOE ELA team will take a deep dive with K-5 teachers into the Texts and Practices domains of Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards. Participants will gain a better understanding of the purpose and intent of the standards' organizational structure and conceptual shifts as they explore the grade-level expectations and embedded learning progressions in the Texts and Practices domains. Participants will leave this workshop with a variety of instructional tools and resources to support local curriculum conversations and lesson design.
Event Date 03-10-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 03-10-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 03-17-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Face to Face

Audience: Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Instructional/Literacy Coaches

Area:  ELA

Grade Span: 6-12

Location:  HGRESA

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact hours:     6        

The GaDOE ELA team will take a deep dive with 6-12 ELA teachers into the Texts and Practices domains of Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards. Participants will gain a better understanding of the purpose and intent of the standards' organizational structure and conceptual shifts as they explore the grade-level expectations and embedded learning progressions in the Texts and Practices domains. Participants will leave this workshop with a variety of instructional tools and resources to support local curriculum conversations and lesson design.
Event Date 03-11-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 03-11-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 03-18-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE, Wheeler Leaders, HGRESA SIS

Area:  Leadership

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Bernadette Evans

Contact hours:       1      

This is a regularly scheduled School Improvement Meeting.

Event Date 03-13-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 03-13-2025 9:30 am
Cut off date 03-20-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, RESA Mentors, School Leaders

Area: ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Breanne Huston

Contact Hours:  1           

The Georgia Department of Education English Language Arts content team invites leaders throughout the state to join a virtual professional learning series to prepare for the implementation of Georgia’s K-12 English Language Arts Standards. Important updates will be provided monthly to support leaders. There will be time set aside monthly for attendees to ask questions pertaining to the standards. These sessions will not be recorded, and registration is required.

Event Date 03-13-2025 12:00 pm
Event End Date 03-13-2025 1:00 pm
Cut off date 03-20-2025
Individual Price Free
Format:  Online Live Audience:  District/School Leaders, Counselors 
Area:  Literacy, School climate, Grade Span:  K-12
Location:  Online Sponsor:  GaDOE
Presenter: Varied Contact Hours:  1

Join the Office of Rural Education and Innovation (REI) team for monthly office hours to highlight resources for removing academic and non-academic barriers to learning for students in rural districts. Participants will learn about existing and new resources available to support college and career readiness, instruction, wraparound supports, teacher and leader recruitment and retention, and technology. Participants will have an opportunity to learn, collaborate, and share innovative practices with other rural districts across the state.

Event Date 03-18-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 03-18-2025 10:00 am
Cut off date 03-18-2025 11:00 pm
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaConnects Specialists

Area:  Technology, Leadership

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Stephanie Milner

Contact hours:      1       


This is one of the quarterly meetings for the school year.

Event Date 03-19-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 03-19-2025 12:00 pm
Cut off date 03-26-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 03-21-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 03-21-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 03-27-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Teachers of Gifted, Gifted Coordinators

Area:  Gifted

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Heart of GA RESA

Sponsor: HGRESA & GaDOE

Presenter: Mary Jean Banter

Contact Hours:      1      

Mary Jean Banter of GADOE will meet with teachers of the gifted and gifted coordinators.

Due to low registration numbers, this session has been canceled.  However, Ms. Banter will send a recording which will be posted on the PL Resources.

Event Date 03-24-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 03-24-2025 10:00 am
Cut off date 03-06-2025
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Blended Teachers, Early Learning Teachers (Birth-5 yrs), Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialists, Middle School Teachers, Online Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Leaders, Technology

Area:  Instructional Techology

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact Hours:          1   

The goal of our Instructional Tech Talk (iTT) initiative is to inspire and equip a community of Instructional Technology Specialists, Academic Coaches, and others by creating a platform where participants can share personal stories, struggles, successes, and EdTech resources & tips with each other to recharge your coaching batteries!

Each iTT session features guest speakers who will charge us up and engage participants in inspiring Q&A time! Thank you for joining iTT!

Event Date 03-25-2025 1:00 pm
Event End Date 03-25-2025 2:00 pm
Cut off date 04-01-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: RESA School Climate Staff

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Amy Yacabocci

Contact Hours:       1      

This a monthly regional job alike for RESA School Climate Specialists.

Event Date 03-27-2025 10:15 am
Event End Date 03-27-2025 11:15 am
Cut off date 04-03-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 04-01-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 04-01-2025 11:00 am
Cut off date 04-08-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE/RESA SES/SIS Specialists

Area:  Math

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Johnson

Contact Hours:   1.5          

This is a monthly job alike meeting for SES/SIS Specialists.


Event Date 04-04-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 04-04-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 04-11-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online, Live

Audience:   Leaders and Teachers

Area:  ELA, Literacy, Reading, Leadership, Content Areas

Grade Span:  4 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:    GaDOE and Keys to Literacy

Presenter:  GaDOE, Keys to Literacy

Contact hours:  1

 This is copied directly from the GDOE registration page:  "Join Keys to Literacy and the Georgia Department of Education for this series of engaging live webinars where you will explore evidence-based strategies to enhance literacy outcomes for students in grades 4-12. Participants will leave equipped with actionable insights to transform literacy instruction and support all learners effectively. These events will not be recorded. November 4, 2024: Adolescent Literacy Overview (suitable for all teachers) – Join us to explore what adolescent literacy is, who is involved, and what the research shows about literacy instruction for students in grades 4-12. December 2, 2024: Leading Effective Adolescent Literacy Practices (suitable for leaders) – Explore the role of leadership in assessing and addressing adolescent literacy concerns. Attendees will gain practical strategies and tools to develop and implement a plan to drive meaningful literacy improvements in grades 4-12. February 10, 2025: Effective Comprehension Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance comprehension instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to enhance their students’ reading comprehension, ensuring that all learners are better prepared to engage with and comprehend texts in the ELA and content area classrooms and beyond. March 3, 2025: Effective Vocabulary Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance both direct and indirect vocabulary instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to grow students’ vocabularies across all subjects. April 7, 2025: Effective Writing Instructional Practices (suitable for content area teachers) – Explore effective strategies for integrating writing into subject-specific instruction for students in grades 4-12. Participants will gain practical techniques for implementing quick writes in their classrooms, understand how to connect writing with reading strategies, and leave with ready-to-use templates to engage and support adolescent learners in various content areas, including ELA. May 5, 2025: Connecting the Writing Rope and Reading Rope with Keys to Literacy (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how the interconnected strands of writing and reading can be leveraged to enhance literacy instruction. This session will explore the connections between Scarborough’s “Reading Rope” and Sedita’s “Writing Rope,” and it will highlight the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of and practical methods for aligning writing and reading instruction, as well as resources to support student literacy development. " Primary Contact: Sarah Welch - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

After registering, individuals will receive the link to register on the GDOE website and will then receive a link to the recording.

Event Date 04-07-2025 3:30 pm
Event End Date 04-07-2025 4:30 pm
Cut off date 04-21-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE, Wheeler Leaders, HGRESA SIS

Area:  Leadership

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Bernadette Evans

Contact hours:       1      

This is a regularly scheduled School Improvement Meeting.

Event Date 04-10-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 04-10-2025 9:30 am
Cut off date 04-17-2025
Individual Price Free
Format:  Online Live Audience:  District/School Leaders, Counselors 
Area:  Literacy, School climate, Grade Span:  K-12
Location:  Online Sponsor:  GaDOE
Presenter: Varied Contact Hours:  1

Join the Office of Rural Education and Innovation (REI) team for monthly office hours to highlight resources for removing academic and non-academic barriers to learning for students in rural districts. Participants will learn about existing and new resources available to support college and career readiness, instruction, wraparound supports, teacher and leader recruitment and retention, and technology. Participants will have an opportunity to learn, collaborate, and share innovative practices with other rural districts across the state.

Event Date 04-15-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 04-15-2025 10:00 am
Cut off date 04-15-2025 11:00 pm
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: RESA School Climate Staff

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Amy Yacabocci

Contact Hours:       1      

This a monthly regional job alike for RESA School Climate Specialists.

Event Date 04-17-2025 10:15 am
Event End Date 04-17-2025 11:15 am
Cut off date 04-24-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, RESA Mentors, School Leaders

Area: ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Breanne Huston

Contact Hours:  1           

The Georgia Department of Education English Language Arts content team invites leaders throughout the state to join a virtual professional learning series to prepare for the implementation of Georgia’s K-12 English Language Arts Standards. Important updates will be provided monthly to support leaders. There will be time set aside monthly for attendees to ask questions pertaining to the standards. These sessions will not be recorded, and registration is required.

Event Date 04-17-2025 12:00 pm
Event End Date 04-17-2025 1:00 pm
Cut off date 04-24-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 04-18-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 04-18-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 04-24-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: Blended Teachers, Early Learning Teachers (Birth-5 yrs), Elementary Teachers, Gifted and Talented Teachers, High School Teachers, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, Librarians/Media Specialists, Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialists, Middle School Teachers, Online Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Special Education Teachers, Teacher Leaders, Technology

Area:  Instructional Techology

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact Hours:          1   

The goal of our Instructional Tech Talk (iTT) initiative is to inspire and equip a community of Instructional Technology Specialists, Academic Coaches, and others by creating a platform where participants can share personal stories, struggles, successes, and EdTech resources & tips with each other to recharge your coaching batteries!

Each iTT session features guest speakers who will charge us up and engage participants in inspiring Q&A time! Thank you for joining iTT!

Event Date 04-22-2025 1:00 pm
Event End Date 04-22-2025 2:00 pm
Cut off date 04-29-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online, Live

Audience:   Leaders and Teachers

Area:  ELA, Literacy, Reading, Leadership, Content Areas

Grade Span:  4 - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:    GaDOE and Keys to Literacy

Presenter:  GaDOE, Keys to Literacy

Contact hours:  1

 This is copied directly from the GDOE registration page:  "Join Keys to Literacy and the Georgia Department of Education for this series of engaging live webinars where you will explore evidence-based strategies to enhance literacy outcomes for students in grades 4-12. Participants will leave equipped with actionable insights to transform literacy instruction and support all learners effectively. These events will not be recorded. November 4, 2024: Adolescent Literacy Overview (suitable for all teachers) – Join us to explore what adolescent literacy is, who is involved, and what the research shows about literacy instruction for students in grades 4-12. December 2, 2024: Leading Effective Adolescent Literacy Practices (suitable for leaders) – Explore the role of leadership in assessing and addressing adolescent literacy concerns. Attendees will gain practical strategies and tools to develop and implement a plan to drive meaningful literacy improvements in grades 4-12. February 10, 2025: Effective Comprehension Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance comprehension instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to enhance their students’ reading comprehension, ensuring that all learners are better prepared to engage with and comprehend texts in the ELA and content area classrooms and beyond. March 3, 2025: Effective Vocabulary Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance both direct and indirect vocabulary instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to grow students’ vocabularies across all subjects. April 7, 2025: Effective Writing Instructional Practices (suitable for content area teachers) – Explore effective strategies for integrating writing into subject-specific instruction for students in grades 4-12. Participants will gain practical techniques for implementing quick writes in their classrooms, understand how to connect writing with reading strategies, and leave with ready-to-use templates to engage and support adolescent learners in various content areas, including ELA. May 5, 2025: Connecting the Writing Rope and Reading Rope with Keys to Literacy (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how the interconnected strands of writing and reading can be leveraged to enhance literacy instruction. This session will explore the connections between Scarborough’s “Reading Rope” and Sedita’s “Writing Rope,” and it will highlight the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of and practical methods for aligning writing and reading instruction, as well as resources to support student literacy development. " Primary Contact: Sarah Welch - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

After registering, individuals will receive the link to register on the GDOE website and will then receive a link to the recording.

Event Date 05-05-2025 3:30 pm
Event End Date 05-05-2025 4:30 pm
Cut off date 05-19-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 05-06-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 05-06-2025 11:00 am
Cut off date 05-13-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE, Wheeler Leaders, HGRESA SIS

Area:  Leadership

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Bernadette Evans

Contact hours:       1      

This is a regularly scheduled School Improvement Meeting.

Event Date 05-08-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 05-08-2025 9:30 am
Cut off date 05-15-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: RESA School Climate Staff

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Amy Yacabocci

Contact Hours:       1      

This a monthly regional job alike for RESA School Climate Specialists.

Event Date 05-08-2025 10:15 am
Event End Date 05-08-2025 11:15 am
Cut off date 05-15-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: District Leaders, Instructional Coaches/Coordinators, RESA Mentors, School Leaders

Area: ELA

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Breanne Huston

Contact Hours:  1           

The Georgia Department of Education English Language Arts content team invites leaders throughout the state to join a virtual professional learning series to prepare for the implementation of Georgia’s K-12 English Language Arts Standards. Important updates will be provided monthly to support leaders. There will be time set aside monthly for attendees to ask questions pertaining to the standards. These sessions will not be recorded, and registration is required.

Event Date 05-08-2025 12:00 pm
Event End Date 05-08-2025 1:00 pm
Cut off date 05-15-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Face to Face

Audience: RESA SI Specialists

Area:  Math

Grade Span: 


Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: GaDOE

Contact hours:     7        

The All Improvement meeting will be held August 1, 2024 at the Anderson Conference Center located at 5171 Eisenhower Pkwy Suite D, Macon, GA 31206 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Breakfast will be served from 8 - 9 a.m.

Event Date 05-14-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 05-14-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 01-15-2025
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 05-16-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 05-16-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 05-22-2025
Individual Price Free
Format:  Online Live Audience:  District/School Leaders, Counselors 
Area:  Literacy, School climate, Grade Span:  K-12
Location:  Online Sponsor:  GaDOE
Presenter: Varied Contact Hours:  1

Join the Office of Rural Education and Innovation (REI) team for monthly office hours to highlight resources for removing academic and non-academic barriers to learning for students in rural districts. Participants will learn about existing and new resources available to support college and career readiness, instruction, wraparound supports, teacher and leader recruitment and retention, and technology. Participants will have an opportunity to learn, collaborate, and share innovative practices with other rural districts across the state.

Event Date 05-20-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 05-20-2025 10:00 am
Cut off date 05-20-2025 11:00 pm
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 06-03-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 06-03-2025 11:00 am
Cut off date 06-10-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE/RESA SES/SIS Specialists

Area:  Math

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Stephanie Johnson

Contact Hours:   1.5          

This is a monthly job alike meeting for SES/SIS Specialists.


Event Date 06-06-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-06-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 06-13-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaDOE, Wheeler Leaders, HGRESA SIS

Area:  Leadership

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Dr. Bernadette Evans

Contact hours:       1      

This is a regularly scheduled School Improvement Meeting.

Event Date 06-12-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 06-12-2025 9:30 am
Cut off date 06-19-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  Online Live

Audience: GaConnects Specialists

Area:  Technology, Leadership

Grade Span: K-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter: Stephanie Milner

Contact hours:      1       


This is one of the quarterly meetings for the school year.

Event Date 06-18-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 06-18-2025 12:00 pm
Cut off date 06-25-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 06-20-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 06-20-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 06-19-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 07-01-2025 10:00 am
Event End Date 07-01-2025 11:00 am
Cut off date 07-08-2025
Individual Price Free


Format:  Online Live

Audience: School Improvement Specialists

Area:  School Improvement

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online

Sponsor: GaDOE

Presenter:  Anthony D. Pack

Contact hours:     1        

This monthly CIT meeting is for RESA SIS, school leaders, and district leaders.

Event Date 07-18-2025 9:30 am
Event End Date 07-18-2025 10:30 am
Cut off date 07-24-2025
Individual Price Free

Format:  CODE

Audience:   Teachers, Academic coaches

Area:  Science, Writing, Reading

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  GDOE

Presenter:    GDOE

Contact hours:   


There are many short videos included on strategies for connecting writing, reading, and science. The top page has elementary resources. The middle page has middle grade resources. The last page has K-12 resources.

Event Date 06-30-2026
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free