106, CODE, Riffel, School-wide Mental Health at the Universal Level

Format:  Online  Videos and Zoom Audience: Teachers
Area:  All Subjects Grade Span:  K-12
Location:  Online Sponsor:  Teacheropedia
Presenter:  Laura Riffel Contact hours:  7

This unit covers the rationale for needing mental health discussions in your school.  Why is this important? We then cover disorders and what you need to know as school personnel. We then send time building a behavior support team for mental health concerns within your school.  We will focus on how to build relationships with students so they are open about their mental health issues and then we will discuss how to teach students about their own emotional intelligence.  Finally, we will focus on teaching students self-regulation.

There will be an out of the HGRESA area fee of $50.

Event Properties

Event Date 05-28-2020 8:00 am
Event End Date 06-30-2026 8:00 am
Cut off date 06-30-2026 8:00 am
Individual Price Free
Location Online