3036.Resource, GDOE, Promoting Positive Mathematical Mindsets

Format:  Resource

Audience:  Leaders, Academic Coaches, Math Teachers

Area:  Math, GDOE

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:   GDOE

Presenter:   GDOE

Contact hours:   


This was copied directly from the website:  "Positive mathematical mindsets are important for all mathematics classrooms. Providing students with learning tasks that promote productive student discourse, critical thinking, perseverance, and a growth mindset leads to healthy, deep learning at all levels. These types of tasks will also engage students in the 8 Mathematical Practices that help learners develop positive thinking and discourse in all mathematics classrooms." Three articles are included for review including:  1) Positive Mathematical Mindsets Introduction, 2) Mathematics Classrooms that Cultivate Positive Growth Mindsets, and 3) Positive Mathematical Mindsets - What to Look For  

Event Properties

Event Date 05-23-2023
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online