206, Resource, Sanders, Math Content Help--Probability (7th Grade)

Format:  Online 

Audience: Math Teachers

Area:  Probability

Grade Span: 7th Grade

Location:  Online


Presenter: Brad Sanders

Contact hours: 

Teachers can use this information to learn more about how to teach probability, or they can use the information to demonstrate how another teacher teaches the topic.

There are 6 video introductions.  For each there is:
1. an accompanying PDF
2. A socrative code for an accompanying formative assignment at socrative.com
There are 8 assignments/assessments.  For each there is:
1. A PDF with all solutions
2. A PDF with odd solutions
3. A video of odd solutions and explanations
4. A socrative code so the assignment can be completed at socrative.com

Event Properties

Event Date 06-29-2020
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online