1546.Resource.Tool, Reading Theory Comprehension Support

Format:  Resource

Audience:   Teachers

Area: ELA

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  Reading Theory

Presenter:  N/A

Contact hours:   N/A


Read Theory is a website that has materials to support reading comprehension. The following is a description that is copied and pasted directly from the Read Theory website (https://readtheory.org/about-us/): "Differentiation is at the heart of what we do:  You know that every student is different. We designed ReadTheory to celebrate and support those differences. Instead of a “one-size-fits-all” model of education, we go the opposite direction. We believe every student deserves to have a curriculum that is customized around their specific needs. Our adaptive AI helps determine a students’ level and then assigns them passages that are perfectly tailored to their abilities. Each passage is assigned and graded automatically in our system. As students begin to show improvement, they’re presented with slightly more difficult passages. If they begin to struggle, our program will provide slightly easier passages to boost their confidence until they show that they’re once again ready for a challenge. In this way, ReadTheory works in tandem with educators: providing just the right balance of challenge and support."

Event Properties

Event Date 09-13-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online