6175. Resource, Edutopia, How to Get Students Thinking About Their Own Learning (2022)







Format:  Resource

Audience:  Teachers

Area:   Thinking

Grade Span:  K - 12

Location:  Online

Sponsor:  Edutopia

Presenter:   Nina Parish

Contact hours:











 This was copied directly from the posting:  "A metacognitive thinking process allows students to self-regulate and direct their thoughts, behaviors, and actions toward their goals. As early as kindergarten, teachers can instruct students in how to build their metacognitive skills through a process of planning, monitoring, and evaluating their learning. Once students reach third grade, they can begin to use these strategies with increased choice and independence."

Event Properties

Event Date 11-25-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online