686.Resource, Gordon, Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have the Woggle Fidgets: Mentor Text for Cognitive Regulation (K-2)

Format:  Resource

Audience:  Teachers

Area:  ELA, Cognitive Regulation, Mental Health

Grade Span:  K-2

Location: Online


Presenter:  Dr. Belita Gordon

Contact hours: 1

Cognitive Regulation refers to intentional, strategic, self-regulated learning. It includes the abilities 1) to determine what is needed to compete a task, 2) to maintain attention and reclaim it when it
s lost, 3) to commit to a goal and monitor progress along the way, 4) to identify problems and evaluate solutions, 5) to think about alternatives and chose one, 6) to seek and offer help, and 7) to become and remain organized.


Children have trouble paying attention, being quiet, and sitting still for a variety of reasons. This book is an introduction to ADHD. The main character, David, cannot control his wiggle fidgets,” so he disrupts the classDavid realizes he needs self-control. David recognizes his problem and creates a plan with effective solutions. He creates reminder cue cards, a silent countdown timer, a stress ball, and moving just a little. The plan works at school and at home, so both his teacher and parents are relieved and proud. Davids plan can be adapted for your students who dont have ADHD.


Heart of Georgia RESA teachers may request a free copy of the book to use with their classes by listening to the short VoiceThread about the book, reading a brief handout that includes the ELA standards and suggested strategies for using the mentor text, and completing a request form.

Event Properties

Event Date 03-11-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
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