1320.Recording, CODE, IDA, Integrating Reading Supports with Educational Technology

Format:   CODE

Audience:   Teachers

Area:  Reading

Grade Span:  3-12

Location: Online

Sponsor:  IDA

Presenter:  Sharon Plante

Contact hours:   1


This information was copied and pasted directly from the IDA website:  "The utilization of technology (interactive screens, iPads, apps, and websites) can make reading instruction (decoding/encoding, fluency, and comprehension) a multi-sensory process that is engaging and explicit while maintaining the individualization and diagnostic-prescriptive aspects of the lesson. It can support the organizational challenges for necessary lesson materials that can occur when working with multiple students at once, while also allowing for ease of differentiation within a small group format. Additionally, educational technology can provide ways for the teacher to collect work samples and data from multiple students simultaneously and allow for individualized feedback. The session will focus on the use of various tools that can support differentiated and individualized engagement during various components of reading instruction. This free 60-minute webinar originally presented on 7/13/2020."

Event Properties

Event Date 08-04-2021
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online