2443, CODE, Ruby Payne, Bridges Out of Poverty On-Demand Workshop

Format:  CODE

Audience: Teachers, Leaders

Area:  School Climate

Grade Span: 

Location:  Online and book

Sponsor: HGRESA


Contact hours:       5.5      

You will be given a copy of the book upon completing the form in your registration confirmation email.

This workshop is a comprehensive approach to understanding poverty. Bridges Out of Poverty uses the lens of economic class and provides concrete tools and strategies for a community to alleviate poverty.

Participants will review poverty research, examine a theory of change, and analyze poverty through the prism of the hidden rules of class, resources, family structure, and language.

Throughout the workshop, participants will receive specific strategies for improving outcomes, but the focus of the workshop is to provide a broad overview of concepts.

Promo Video:  https://youtu.be/HQ4bCoGc0Rs



Event Properties

Event Date 09-02-2022
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
Individual Price Free
Location Online