6019.4,F-F, Onsite HGRESA, LETRS Year 1, Day 4, Cohort 2

Format:  Face-to-Face

Audience: Teachers

Area:  Literacy, LETRS

Grade Span: K-3

Location:  HGRESA

Sponsor:   HGRESA

Presenter: Wendy Slade

Contact Hours:     7        

Districts must order their own materials. HGRESA will provide a facilitator for Cohort 2, Year 1, Day 4 of LETRS training. This is a two-year-long program with essential online components. No stipend will be provided.

Event Properties

Event Date 04-17-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 04-17-2025 4:00 pm
Cut off date 04-25-2025
Individual Price Materials to be purchased by system
Location Heart of Georgia RESA