6293, F-F, Onsite HGRESA, STEM in Agriculture Educator Workshop with Georgia Farm Bureau

Format:  Face-to-Face

Audience:  Educators and Leaders
Area:  Agriculture, Social Studies, Science Grades:  K-8
Location:  Heart of GA RESA Sponsor:  GA Farm Bureau
Facilitator:  GA Farm Bureau Contact Hours:  7.5

Participants will explore how STEM plays a crucial role in agriculture.  The Georgia Farm Bureau will facilitate an interactive workshop offering hands-on experiences, share innovative resources to add to your instructional toolkit, and expert-led discussions from community partners.  Participants will engage with the University of Georgia, Georgia Public Broadcasting, and the Georgia Council on Economic Education. The workshop will conclude with tours at the R & G Hydroponic Farm and Sonrise Strawberry & Blackberry Farm.  Lunch will be provided.

Event Properties

Event Date 03-19-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 03-19-2025 3:30 pm
Cut off date 03-26-2025
Individual Price Free
Location Heart of Georgia RESA