This was copied directly from the Edutopia website: "Teachers can move ‘Would You Rather’ questions beyond brain breaks, using them to boost engagement during all stages of instruction. Most people are familiar with the game “Would You Rather” (WYR), sometimes called “This or That.” In it, you’re given two options and must choose one—for example, “Would you rather eat pizza or tacos every day for dinner?” It’s fun and fairly simple, often used in classrooms as a brain break. But it can also serve a purpose for learning. By playing this game with upper elementary students and requesting an explanation for their answers, you can move basic questions up the
Bloom’s Taxonomy ladder, supporting higher-order thinking. Making your questions pertinent to classroom content further raises the bar, in any subject area, offering an engaging way to introduce concepts, check in during a lesson, or assess students’ understanding at the end of a unit."