6184, Resource, GDOE, Grammar, Usage, & Mechanics (GUM) Chart for the New ELA Standards for FY26


Format:   Resource  Audience:  Teachers, Leaders
Area: ELA  Grade Span:  K-12
Location:  Online Sponsor:  GaDOE
Presenter:  GaDOE  Contact Hours
This is copied directly from the GDOE link:  " The Grammar, Usage, & Mechanics (GUM) Chart shows the progression of K-12 expectations for standard K-12.L.GC.1. Each expectation belongs to one of three categories, which are coded as follows: Grammar: G | Grammar is the system and structure of a language. It describes how the parts of speech are used to craft and structure meaningful sentences. Usage: U | Usage refers to how words and phrases communicate meaning in context. Mechanics: M | Mechanics are the rules and conventions that govern the technical aspects of written language: capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (Please note that spelling expectations are outlined in the K-5 Foundations Domain as part of the Phonics Big Idea.) Students learn, practice, and master grammar, usage, and mechanics skills through explicit instruction and in context as they routinely interpret and construct texts. Mastery is achieved when students apply skills appropriately and consistently both in and out of context. Skills that are more complex often take more than one academic year to master. Upon achieving mastery, students will continue to apply these skills as they read and write increasingly complex texts. These skills should be periodically formatively assessed and reinforced as needed to ensure that students maintain proficiency as text complexity increases."



Event Properties

Event Date 12-03-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2026
Cut off date 06-30-2026
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