3926.106, CODE, Riffel, Building a Sense of Belonging at the Secondary Level

Format:  CODE

Audience: Leaders

Area:  School Climate, Leadership

Grade Span: 9-12

Location:  Online

Sponsor: HGRESA

Presenter: Dr. Laura Riffel

Contact Hours:        6-8

This course is based on recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on how to build a sense of belonging in your school.

The first part of this course focuses on training mentors for your students. Instead of adding one more task to the education team's plate in the school, we ask that you invite your district coordinator for professional development to attend and share how they can provide the training for the prospective mentors. This way, they will have the information for other schools. The National Mentoring Center has all the materials they will need.

The second part of this course deals with service-learning projects which may or may not be guided by mentors with the help of the classroom teachers.

The third part of this course focuses on student-led clubs, and this definitely will need mentors who have been trained to help guide the students in their clubs.

Finally, the fourth session of this course focuses on building community staff to staff and then building a sense of belonging with the students with a quick, professional development course on things that can be done at the classroom level to build a sense of belonging.

When all four quadrants are implemented, the student's sense of belonging to the school will improve.

There is a plethora of information to cover. This would work best if approximately 1.5 to 2 hours are spent on each section during weekly faculty meetings or over two professional development days at the beginning of the year.


Event Properties

Event Date 05-13-2024
Event End Date 06-30-2025
Cut off date 06-30-2025
Individual Price Out of Area Cost $50
Location Online